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18 M7s with Flags

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What I don't understand (apart from those silly flags) is why seller would use such a high starting price. Why not starting low, keeping a high reserve price? Apparently, seller is not really eager to sell? Why then the hassle?
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What I find stange about the collection is:


(1) There are no Japanese or Portuguese flags. Japan and Portugal are two of the three countries that actually make Leica products.


(2) There are no flags from Hong Kong, Singapore, and China, which represent a significant segment of buyers. Instead you have Luxembourg.

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I had the chance to play a bit with one of the 10 Spain flagged M7 in the presentation Leica made. It fell down to the floor and rolled across the room (someone left it on the edge of the table and let it fall). The summilux then had a tight stop on the focusing but the camera didnt seem to be harmed........ if your gonna bid make sure this one aint the same one ;)
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Jake, just curious, how did you get the rectangular image of Alf lined up on the M7 that's going diagonally across the frame? All the rectangle-making tools in PS seem to only work parallel to the frame edges, how do you rotate it off-axis?
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<<Maybe if Jay knew 1% of what he thinks he does about Photoshop he wouldn't be so down on digital...>>


Please tell us where I ever claimed to know it all about Photoshop. Quite the contrary I have confessed ignorance of it many, many times. Photoshop is great for giggles like this and I don't mind using it when I *want* to. *Digital* OTOH requires that I *have* to use Photoshop, or settle for the in-camera "processing" to "sharpen" what the manufaturers are trying to bullsh*t me into believing is already as sharp as film. That's why I'm "down" on, not digital itself, but the scam the manufacturers and their marketing wizards are perpretrating on the photographic community which I am disappointet is so taken in by it. That and the fact all my favorite cameras are to be relegated to the rubbish bin if things keep going as they are.


<<Jay, can you put little insets in my front teeth with that photo?>>


Al, you have front teeth?!

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