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You know you always wanted one of these

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It is Fantastic! it is Plastic! It has a Moter drive and automatic

rewinder! What $20.00 too much then Wait We will throw in a Potato

masher Electronic flash that will also work on your SLR and other

cameras with a hot shoe OR a PC connection. Not happy yet? OK a

Universal Flash mount bracket a Color corrected lens and it will also

shoot B&W. Still too much OK we will knock off the price 10 bucks

then charge you less than that for shipping. Total cost to U.S.A. via

Ground transportation UNDER $20.00!!!!!! Yesss it can all be yours

for less than a case of Budweiser!

OK I figured a camera like this needed a great write up and a Flea

market sales pitch so here it is.


I ordered one just for fun heck it was cheaper than the Lomo Fisheye.






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Don't knock cheapo cameras until you try them out. Over in the Leica forum, there's a guy

who bought a camera for 50p ($0.80) in a charity shop and who has <A HREF="http://

www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00FvKW&unified_p=1">posted some

fine photos</A> with it. He bought the camera because he was afraid to take his Leica

skiing - and I guess after spending so much on the Leica, I guess all he could afford in the

way of an occasional camera was this little box from the charity shop. It must be hard to

have such an expensive yet fragile camera. Oh dear.... ;-)

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Jay, in case you still haven't found it and you're still interested, once you get to the website, perform an advanced search and plug in just the item number, 010500. For $10, plus the inevitable P&H, it IS a sweet little deal and might make a nice gift for the right person.
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I got the camera it says to use 200-400 speed film well I had some B&W 100 speed on hand so I am going to use it in Diafine that should give me 200-250. I am going to a cematary with it today and I have low hopes for this camera as I always do with these things but I keep trying and who knows I may find a sweet spot for it like I did my Time Magazine 50 cent camera.



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