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Wnw Zeiss Ikoflex II 1936

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Another image from my old Ikoflex II (1936) - but this a very small

section from the neg. I couldn't be more pleased with this camera.

The Ilford XP2 film was processed in a D&P lab - very badly messed

up - dirty processing and bad streaks on the sides of the neg. I

began the crop to get rid of the mess, and like this 'longer' look

to the subject.



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Mark - I've not long had this camera, and not used it a lot. First rolls were for a portait shoot - and I was worried sick about getting it right with the odd shutter speeds. Unnecessary - it worked fine.


With this photo - the others from only one roll shot in Malta, I was forced to tackle cropping to get away from the results of appalling processing. Scratches, blogs of much and dirt - and so any images from it were selections from the negs. That first post was one - here - a couple more I salvaged from that roll - but have some well processed negs from Oz - so will post a few samples when I can scan them.


I bought this camera very cheaply, and was very doubtful about it - but it's a fine camera. Recomment it if you can find one in good order - and I like the old 'lever' focus - although it was soon discontinued.



Two more here - of this same subject in Malta...even the tone of the negs changes through the roll...



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