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website question


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I'm thinking about giveing B&G a page off of my web site, so that that can

post pictures and stories of themself. It can also help them inform there

famliy and friends when , where, and what is going on. Do you think it will

be a big hit? I don't want to go to the trouble if no one will use it.

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How would you go about doing that ? wouldn't they need the technical knowledge to post photos and stories ?


I think they idea is a good one, it should create more traffic to your site, would you make it a temporary thing, your site could get large if you did it for every B+G, depending on how many weddings you do of course.



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So you want to give them a blog on your website?


It will only work if they want to use it and you have a good blog system setup so it is *easy* and *fast* for them to post. They probably won't want to use your home-baked system for blogging, you think? If the family want to do a blog, IMO, they will be better off using blogger or blogspot or whatever.


However, It is a good idea because it would drive traffic to your website and you could have headers/footers to advertise your services. Also, if the content is related to photography that helps with Search Engine Optimization and give you more visibility to the search engines.


The key is you must have an *easy* and *fast* system. If it is not those two things people will not use it. Personally, being "tech saavy" I wouldn't use someone else's private website for my own personal blog. I would either use *my* own website, or blogger, blogspot or the multitude of other blog systems out there.


My $0.02


Aaron Lee

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hmm...I'm not sure about this one way or the other.


Also, do you want to be responsible for moderating all of the pages?? You don't want someone to waltz in and post negative things about you, your business or the users - there may be some liability in there somewhere.

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The software is incredibly easy to run/install/use. My only concern is that you are turning what is supposed to be a business related web site into a free speech zone.


How long will you run a blog for each client?

What liability will you have if all the client's posts/family memories/etc. are lost in a server accident?

How many blogs might you have running at one time?

Will you have time to review each one a couple of times a day to make sure no one is slandering you, your company, the clients, or anyone else - let alone posting illicit, illegal, or pornographic material?

If one of those blogs really become popular, can you afford the potential bandwidth hit? Do you have any plans to include a terms of service to handle such an event?

If you are going to pull down blogs after the wedding, what archival abilities will you exercise to save and transmit the contents of the blog to the bride/groom?


While I agree this sounds like a good idea in theory, I would have great concerns at potential complexities that you should probably address before jumping in. I like the idea of a blog for the photographer on their site, I have concerns, though, that having one for each customer might get a little maintenance intensive.

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It doesn't take much bandwidth to run a blog. I have lots of images and stuff on my website, and I get anywhere for 100 to 500 hits a month. When I do a wedding, I up load all the images to my site with in two day, so that family and friends can view them right away, that's how I get a lot of hits. Anyway, I have only been use about 10% of my bandwidth; I think it could handle it. I would like to give them two years, 1 year for engagement and then 1 year for their new life together. As far as liability goes, I will reserve the right to delete any negative postings about any venders, the blog is spouse to be about them, they can list venders be bashing won't fly with me. In the case of a server accident, that's technology, and that will just haft to understand, so they will need to same back up. I only think 30% of them might use it, most of my brides are procrastinators.
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We did something relatively similar a year or two ago. We had one couple that was pretty organized and on the ball that really got into it. Their site really turned out well and the family and friends appreciated the information. Our other couples had a little more difficulty finding the time to get involved with their sites and they really didn't use or update them.



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