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Timing out


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<p>It seems like in the past few days the server times out when I try to respond to a Nikon thread. And seems like there have only been a few new threads added over the past few days suggesting others are having problems, too. P Net has more problems that all the other sites I regularly visit combined.</p>
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<p>I am not excusing photo.net, but submitting forms requires more work than just displaying pages.</p>

<p>Perhaps web server scans all your inputs on the form, then goes through rules of acceptance, and rules for cleaning and formatting, etc.</p>

<p>Your data possible multiple spaces will be replaced by a single space, and this type of text processing is done regardless if there are any duplicates or not.<br>

Then other many rules are searched, e.g. searching for Ken Rockwell's link in the text, and reject your input.<br>

Comparing words against prohibited dirty words in a bad words vocabulary.<br>

Verifying your accont status, etc. etc.</p>

<p>When the submission takes too much time, users are confused, and sometimes hit the submit button again, and there are duplicate enties of the same text...</p>


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