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Silver Oxide 1.5v EPX625?


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Looks like you never throw anything out, Martin! Energizer.ca in Walkerton said these were likely very *old* stock(i.e., mid-'90s), since they've not been on the N.A. market for years--if at all, officially.The stale date suggests that, along with the Spanish text. They're the wrong voltage, anyway.
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Called them yesterday afternoon, Martin. I was curious about the silver oxide variant because Varta.ca told me in early 2000 there was a chance that a 1.4v silver PX 625 might be produced to replace the just-discontinued merc. cell. It never materialized. Walkerton(and Duracell) knew nothing about the silver 625 and did insist none are in any of the wholesale-retail channels presently. They suggested there might have been some around during the mid-90s. What jobbers pick up from who-knows-where is another matter, and I suspect that's what you bought. The point, though, is, that aside from dollar stores or convenience marts in Yorkdale, they're not currently available as fresh stock in Canada.
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Gary, I don't use PX625 that much, as I use my Rollei 35s only occasionally. From time to time I picked up some 1.35 v PX625, until

I could not find them any more. I am aware that some US stores carry

them, but it is not convenient.<p>

I remember that 1.5 v silver oxide 625 replacement for 1.35v had being

around for quite some times. Rollei distributor in USA recommended

owners of Rollei 35 cameras to send their camera to Rollei to adjust

the meter for the higher voltage of silver oxide 625 cell; I think

those 1.5 v silver oxide 625 were made by Mallory, with a different

designation, not '625'.

<p>When my 1.5 v 625 run out, I shall buy a CRS MR-9.

<p>There is same problem with respect to 5.6 V px27, the battery I use

in my TLX and C;however 6 v SPX625 is readily available on the market. I think it is quite possible some battery manufacturers in asia may produce silver oxide version of 625.<p>

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The only problem(aside from price!)with the MR9 is that it's slightly thicker than a PX 625. This can make a difference with some cameras whose battery covers aren't threaded very deeply--worth checking before you order one, Martin. It's especially problematic with the old Nikon Photomic FTn metered finders that swallowed two PX625s--a very tight fit with two MR9s.
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FWIW: I have had good luck with the WEIN versions of the above. I have meters and cameras that use PX625 and the WEIN batteries work. I have investigated the costs of conversions to the new batteries, and while not prohibitive, I have not jumped into it. 1 Konica T3 is converted and works great with the new cells. I think CRIS makes a little gizmo that works with a button cell to convert it to 1.35v. But kind of spendy if you need several!
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