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Shutter finger going numb


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<p>I did a search for this online to see if it is a normal thing or not but couldn't find much info. When I shoot a wedding, and I'm shooting for 7-9 hours straight, my shutter finger feels numb for about 1-2 days after the wedding. Do any other photographers have this happen to them? And I am not talking about shooting in cold weather, or anything like that. It's in warm weather, usually between 70-85 degrees.<br>

Thanks! Just wanted to see if I'm alone in this, lol.</p>

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<p>I know it is from shooting for so long, I mean the part that goes numb is the very tip of my finger that is on the shutter, my guess, from hitting it over and over again for so long. I thought maybe it happened to other photographers? Maybe not haha.<br>

It's nothing that really bothers me, it's just odd. I will probably talk to a doctor if I really find out it is not a normal thing. I use to be a massage therapist and know that repetitive use in regards to my arms, shoulders, hands, joints, etc..can make things go numb or inflame in terms of carpal tunnel, so I figured it was along those lines. Thanks for the suggestion though.</p>

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<p>If it's actually from pressing the button (meaning, the actuall contact between the tip of your finger and the button), then you're pushing way too hard! Gently does it. You'll get less camera movement that way, too.<br /><br />But more likely, it's related to pressure you're putting on nerves in your wrist/hand from how you're working. Do you use a vertical grip? How do you use your left hand, in terms of supporting the camera? How do you carry the camera between shots?</p>
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<p>It did sound to me that you are alone in this. :)..... even if you take 10000 pic in 8 hrs still it is not that much for the finger tip. In an hour we press more clicks with our mouse when we use the computer. hope the finger are not getting locked. you may be diabetic. hope u r using dslrs :) ha ha</p>
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<p>I am a diabetic and I don't experience this, even when shooting an outdoor event at freezing temperatures... I use a vertical grip...</p>

<p>I would second the doctor suggestion, but be prepared for some condescending remarks... not many doctors will think a numb finger tip is too serious unless they happen to be advanced photographers themselves. </p>

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<p>I'm not a doctor - but my guess is that it is some form of carpal tunnel or repetitive stress. </p>

<p>Personally I find that my hand goes stiff from both shooting and carrying the body with my right hand - but that is more due to the lack of motion - ie my right hand doesn't leave the body of the camera for more than a few minutes an hour. I have to continually remind myself to stop shooting for a while and take a break. </p>



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<p>This may be one of the dangers of using digital: "free of cost" does not seem to be free for you. Finger wear is not entered into that "no cost in shooting digital" myth, at least for you.</p>

<p>Maybe you can switch the shutter pressing finger that you use? Become multi-digital so to speak. Or a doctor may help you exercise those joints, tendons and muscles to become stronger. Good luck.</p>

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<p>Thanks everyone for the responses! I am pretty sure I am not diabetic, so I think I can rule that one out. And I definitely don't think I am pressing the shutter too hard, I am pretty gentle with it.<br>

I would like to get a hand grip (Nikon AH-4 strap) for my camera to see if it helps. I've upgraded to a new camera recently (from a d90 to a d3s) which is quite a bit heavier. I have delicate hands (ha, that sounds so lame) but like I said before, I was a massage therapist in the past, and prone to repetitive use inflammation and injuries in my joints, wrists, hands...so I am thinking this is an extension of that. I can definitely feel the stress of holding the d3s after a day of shooting in my hands and joints. so I think perhaps the way I am holding it, and the pressure I am putting on my wrist and hands has something to do with it as well. Hopefully the handstrap might help relieve that. Perhaps some minor carpal tunnel of the finger I am thinking.<br>

Thanks to everyone for the responses. At least I know now this is not a normal thing and it probably does have to do with some sort of error on my side in regards to holding the camera or repetitive use. Appreciate the help!</p>

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<p>Could be your finger is too tense while it's not even on the release but bearing weight/turning the scroll wheel. Or as suggested, a nerve is getting squashed.<br>

After the shoot, are you on the computer for a long time? Try switching from a mouse to a trackball or visa versa and see if that helps.<br>

All the best<br>


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  • 9 months later...
<p>hiya belle, it may not be common but that happens to me too! i do have problems with carpel tunnel, arthritis, AND tendonitis lol so i'm sure it's just an off shoot of one of those issues. i'm wondering too if a vertical grip might help. i'm also very gentle with my camera as she is my baby, so i can't see that i'm pushing the shutter too hard. have you seen a dr since you posted this? if so what was the results. it doesn't hurt but it is very distracting and annoying. i'm gonna have to watch how i use that finger next shoot.</p>
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