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Shooting for Charity


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<p>I offer my photography services to non-profit organizations as a donation of my time (Special Olympics, ballet, and the like). After I edit the photos, I give them to the organization.</p>

<p>I think the participants (and their parents) would pay for prints of the photos. I am not interested, however, in being involved in selling these photos, but would like to find a way for the organization who receives the photos to make money as a fundraiser.</p>

<p>I assume the best way to do this would be by using a web-based service, but would appreciate advice and ideas on how to accomplish my goals -- which are to help the organization make money, but keep me out of the selling loop.</p>



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<p>Create an account on Photoreflect.com - you upload the photos, set some pricing (once) and then the organization can give out the link to the galleries via the website.<br>

They do all the credit card processing etc - you WOULD have to review the orders and approve (or someone would) but all the printing and shipping is handled for you.<br>

I think there is more built in profit (your printing costs are lower) using this site as opposed to Snapfish etc.<br>

BTW, this is a "FREE" service, no hosting fees, they take like a 15% cut of the profit, YOU determine the markup - based on what Labtricity lab you use, you get to see the "cost" and then you create the markup.<br>

Here is an example of what the site might look like.........<br>


<p>Good Luck!</p>

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