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Rolleiflex MF camera collection - www.sheafferscorner.com

rolleiflex users

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I tried to browse your site but it took forever to load over my dialup connection. I finally gave up. I saw one or two photos of Rolleis that were very good illustrations but the site is simply too slow.


If you decide to revise how the site functions please post an update to this message and I'll be glad to try again.

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Caro Tito, grato pelo seu email/comentário sobre o meu site. Suas palavras servem como um grande incentivo e uma oportunidade para melhorá-lo sempre. Eu moro em São Paulo, como você já deve saber e gostaria de me colocar a sua disposição para o que for necessário por aqui. Precisando de algo é só pedir.

Um forte abraço e tudo de bom



Dear Tito,

Thanks so much for your kind works about my website. Sheaffer´s corner was criated to share my collectibles with people interested in vintage pens and rolleiflex medium format cameras. All my fountain pens/desk sets and related items comes from USA through ebay and my rolleiflex cameras comes from antiques flea market around Sao Paulo. Well, thanks again for your time and I wish you all the best in USA.

Regards and take care....


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