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ring flash/strobe


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Pick up any copy of Maxim magazine. Most of the covers seem to be done with a large

(think profoto) ringflash along with supplemental lighting. . The portrait of Lance

Armstrong that was shot by Dan Winters n the cover of the cJuly 2005) issue of Texas

Monthly was lit partly with a ringflash --most as fill/ eye-light - plus a spotlight off to

camera right as the main light.


In my opinion the strong ringlight look is a little passe right now unless you figure out --

like Dan Winters has, how to use if differently.

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Sounds like Douglas is looking for who makes and sells ringlights - rather than images

that use them.


Profoto makes a great ringlight - Calumet makes a couple of pretty decent lower priced

ones for their packs.


Broncolor, Elinchrome, Briese - all make them as well - problem is finding distributors.


I don't know if Speedotron makes one, but I wouldn't be suprised.




Check out Calumet, and Helix for a few other options. For what it's worth, there are quite a

few photographers who decided to go with profoto packs, just to get easier access to the

profoto ringlight.

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thanks will..ellis and john, dont tell victoria's secret that its

out of style cause thier new TV commercial is all shot with constant ring lighting..its what my cliens are asking for..so in style or not..my clients still want it..

that means ..so do i.

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I agree with John and With Doug. It is both passe and hot. Lighting trends Go figure come

and go. And I agree wth Doug, whether passe or not, if that is what the customer wants ,

give it to them and charge for it as a specialty item.


Douglas, the best thing you can do is rent a Ringflash and do some tests. You might find

you need to adjust makeup -- or not.


For video work the best is the relatively new Kinoflo 'ringlight",


For flash work , the most chosen "ringflash' is are the Profotos. Profoto makes two

ringflashes; one for the Acute and D4 psystem and another fr the Profoto 7 series (not

sure which versio nthe Profoto 7B battery unit uses) The difference is the flash voltage of

the pack, either 600 or 900 v. Otherthan that no difference.


Rent a profoto Acute 2400R and a ringflash head, do some tests and see how it works for

you and your clients.

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