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Problem with T90- Ticking type noise but no picture


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I have a T90 camera that I have not used for some time that seems to be in pristine condition. I put batteries in the camera, loaded film with no problem and with the correct ISO recognized. The problem is that I can look through the viewfinder and get metering, but when I depress the shutter button I hear a faint ticking type sound as long as I hold the button with no picture taken. The cursor on the single frame advance is also flashing and will remain so until I turn the camera off and on. No EEE or other error other than what I described above appears. Because of the ticking, I thought it might be some kind of timed delay, but it is not on that setting and the camera never takes a picture and further advances the film. My original manual is shot and I can't find this problem on the online manuals. Is there any smart individual out there that either knows what I am doing wrong or what is wrong with the camera?
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I had the same problem with one of my T90's. the shutter magnet is

sticking and needs to be cleaned. Evidently this happens after a

period of storage and non-use. It cost me $90 for the fix and a CLA

plus $10 return shipping. The repairman is in Nevada and his email

address is steven40@aol.com. Ckeck him out.

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I like the above answer about the sticking shutter magnet. It fits

in with everything I know about the camera's innards but I'm frankly

astounded my long search for the answer to my (similar) problem never

produced such a succinct response. PLEASE let us know what your

final resolution is!




Since I wrote up a l-o-n-g answer to you only to find the above,

here's some of it so I shouldn't feel my time was entirely wasted:





First your symptoms:




- no shutter relase, drive mode LCD arrow flashing, ticking sound, no

EEE or other error message





The facts behind two of these symptoms are:




- The drive mode LCD arrow flashes to indicate weak batteries. This

is to warn you the camera will automatically switch from high-speed

to low-speed operation to conserve power.




- The ticking sound you hear is the battery check circuit pulsing the

shutter magnets to put the batteries under load. That's how the

camera measures the remaining juice in the batteries.




[i'm going to assume you're still having the problem despite being

swift enough to have fresh batteries in the camera.]








A T90 repair manual mentions the following. . .




"Frequently repaired sections:




"1. Camera switches to error condition (EEE, no operation) or

switches from high-speed to low-speed operation with the drive mode

LCD arrow flashing. If the batteries are o.k., the problem is

normally caused by the lens; if the diaphragm-operating ring isn't

moving smoothly, it overloads the camera mechanism. Check to see if

the customer is using an off-brand lens (usually a telephoto) with a

heavy diaphragm action. Reset the camera by removing and

reinstalling the battery pack. The problem may also be caused by a

defective shutter block."




. . . so, if you remove the lens, still have trouble, and cannot

attribute the problem to diaphragm drag of depleted batteries, you

have a puzzler on you hands. . .




But now you also seem to have an answer. While we're here, I'm going

to mention again some other weird symptoms I've seen and hope someone

can connect the dots for me.








1) The camera may decide every touch on any control will cause it to

advance the film several frames, as if initially loading the leader.

At other times, the film is spontaneously rewound by pressing the

battery check button or activating other controls.




2) Moving the stop-down lever may cause the shutter to cycle.




3) The lines at the base of the main display blink persistantly as if

in loading or battery check mode. No shutter action is possible.




4) The SINGLE/H/L (drive mode LCD) arrow flashes, although I have not

seen this very often.




5) The camera makes regular, soft ticking sounds when certain

controls are operated.




6) Removing and re-inserting the batteries can sometimes (but not

always) clear the problem.





Please note: I do not experience 'EEE' or 'HELP' indicators. I

believe those indications are wholly unrelated to the problem I'm










The Definitive Restart Procedure:




Through much trial and error, I have developed a sure-fire method of

resetting my camera. It uses a spare roll of film I carry with me

for just such an emergency. I also always carry a leader retriever,

even though I have made the 'leader out' modification on my camera.




1) In a changing bag (or heavy coat), open the camera's rear door, if

necessary, and remove any loaded film. Remove camera from bag.




2) Turn off Safety Shift (SS), if active, by pressing and holding the

ISO and EXP. COMP. buttons simultaneously. This seems to help in

some cases.




3) Turn off the camera by moving the Lock/Advance (L/A) switch to L.




4) Withdraw the main battery cartridge from the camera.




5) With the batteries out, properly load a roll of test (expendable)

film and close the rear film door.




6) Move the Lock/Advance (L/A) switch to A.




7) Re-insert the main battery cartridge with fresh AA cells. The

camera will spring to life and the film should load properly,

satisfying any outstanding conditions for further operation.




8) Verify proper operation by 'shooting' the test roll several

times. Thoroughly test the camera's features, including activating

mid-roll rewind.








The above works for me. Your mileage may vary.





The last word:




Time and time again, we here T90s do not like to sit idle on the

shelf. Use the blasted thing more often! Who knows? It may be (the

electronic equivalent of) lonely.


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I only wish I had found the above "fix" for this problem before I

sent my T90 in for repair. I certainly would have gone this route

first and tried it out. Don't get me wrong, the repair was quick and

warranteed for 6 months, but $100 is still $100. I did find

another "fix" but it is a little more drastic. The instructions were

to remove the lense and strike the bottom of the camera on a carpeted

floor. This is supposed to loosen the magnet. At the time I really

didn't want to try that, since I thought more damage could result.The

information below makes me think I could have loosened the magnet in

that manner though.

One point on the ruggedness of this camera. I picked up a T90 that

had been dropped and the top cover is almost completely split in two.

the right strap loop is gone,the meter mode button is gone, and the

hot shoe looks like it had been dragged on the road. The camera still

works,(it's not a pretty sight though). So I would probably try

the "drop kick" method after trying the other procedure if that

doesn't work. By the way I accept no responsibility for any damage

resulting from the use of the "drop kick" method.

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Thanks for the input, I will probably go with sending the unit in for

repair. I tried the long explanation method and that didn't work. I

don't feel real comfortable with the dropping method (I had seen this

described elsewhere as the rubber mallet method) as I don't want to

change a $100 repair into a $350 repair.

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My T90 had the same ticking sound when the shutter release button was

depressed. I took the camera apart and cleaned the shutter magnet on

the underside of the mirrorbox. When I reassembled the camera it

worked like a charm. So I can confirm that the ticking sound and the

EEE error is due to sticky shutter relase magnets.




The carpet sollution is only temporary. It's probably oil on the

magnet, and it won't go away only ba banging it to a carpet. Every

other trick is only temperary as well.




It's a lot of work to clean it, so I recomend sending it for a full

check and cleaning.









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