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Prepare Minox film with Jimmy Li Roller cutter

MTC Photography

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<p>1) Determine the length of film needed<br>

1.1 36 exposure Minox film total length = <br>

36 x 12 = 432mm<br>

Minox film leader : 60mm<br>

Minox film trailer : 60<br>

One roll Minox film total length= 432+60+60=552mm</p>

<p>Two rolls of Minox film = 552 x 2 =1104mm<br>

Roller cutter leader : 70mm<br>

35mm cassette trailer 20mm</p>

<p>Length of film required to make 4x 36 exp Minox film = 1104+70+20 =1194 mm</p>

<p>1194 divided by 38mm( one 35mm film frame =36mm +2mm gap) =31.5 exposure</p>

<p>Clearly using a 36 exposure film to cut Minox film is wasting 4 x 38mm of film</p>

<p>So I use bulk loader to cut 31.5 or 32 exposure film, that is enough to cut 4 rolls of 36 exposure film<br>

If using Minox slitter, the required slitter leader is much greater, I need bulk load 33 exposure</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Cut film in the darkroom with Jimmy Li roller cutter. Some parameters:<br>

The diamter of roller cutter=10mm, one turn slitting 31.416mm film<br>

Film in 35mm cassette (self loaded) = 1194mm<br>

1194 divided by 31.416=38 turn<br>

Therefore, I need only count 38 turns with the cutter knob, I know that all the film being cut.</p>

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