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om4 batteries which brand, which kind best?


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I've been using the energizer 1.55-v 357-303 silver oxide, but since they died I am researching which ones to <br>

get them replaced with. Are energizer 1.55-v 395-399 any different? Are they going to affect the camera any differently?<br>

Is there an alternative? Yea yea, leave the camera on 1/60 or b so they don't get spoiled. I think I've had them replaced at least<br>

6 months ago.</p>

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<p>AG13/SG13<br /><a title="LR44 battery" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LR44_battery">LR44/LR154</a><br />6135-99-792-8475 (NSN)(alkaline)<br />6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S)<sup id="cite_ref-DSTAN_2-20" ><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_battery_sizes#cite_note-DSTAN-2">[3]</a></sup><br />A76/S76/EPX76<br />157/303/357<br>

Funny how I answer my own questions, but hey that is progress proven. <br>

S is for silver oxide. L is for alkaline, which is cheaper than its competitor but lasts shorter and less stable in its life. New questions: 50% greater capacity follows equal raise as far as cost? And, how likely is change from s to l to cause drainage? </p>





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