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.nef not automatically downloaded via photoshop?


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<p>I picked up my new(used) Nikon D80 yesterday. it is my first DSLR (Coolpix prior) and I generally use PSE to download so I can use same format (date etc.). I have 81 pics to download and saw that it was saving 81 jpg jpg and 8nef nef . Being new to this format I did not know whanef nef was so I googled and see that is additional RAW info and should be downloaded, thus 162 files. OK, I let it continue. after checking back I see that all thnef nef files cannot be downloaded in PSE. I get a message saying they are damaged or format cannot be included . I will save them separately but wondering why PSE won't save them. I am running a really old version (PSE 3) as I use it just for basics and it serves my needs just fine.<br>

Any other advice on saving RAW format is appreciated as this is all new to me!</p>



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<p>It's hard for me to follow exactly your problem but in general Photoshop Elements 3 will open the Nef/Raw files from the D80..But you will need to install the free plug-in from adobe in order to do that (unless you have already completed that) ..Just read carefully the instructions and you should be ok..Here is the link for the plug in. After installing the plug in you may have to unzip the plug in to make it work but I forget how it went as it's been ages since I did the same thing. But just follow the instruction exactly.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3554">http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3554</a></p>


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<p>Hi Ross,</p>

<p>I probably should have read that before posting, it does sound sort of confusing, but yes, the long and short of it is that it downloaded 81 pics as jpg , but did not download the .nef . I will checkout that download and let you know if that works - thanks! :)</p>

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<p>Well that worked fine,thanks so much for your help! Now my question is - is there any sense in saving a jpg and a nef ? I know I can save a .nef as a jpg any time so seems a bit cumbersome to save twice as many files.<br>



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<p>Go to your memory and change the quality of your pictures to either nef or jpeg, not nef and jpeg. Had the very same experience and with a new camera to learn, this lot blew me away. Can i suggest you just save as a jpeg for the time being and just use windows for your pp until you have learned the basics of your camera, because i did photoshop and my camera at the same time for the first few weeks, then went backwards to what i am suggesting and then i had some brain space to learn photoshop in my own time. Then you can snap away to your hearts content in the safe knowledge you don't have to start up the star ship enterprise's control panel just to have a look at your results. Enjoy your new camera.</p>
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<p>lol! Probably not a bad idea for now to learn the camera. I have been using Nikon CoolPix (great little cameras) for about 5 years and for basics using Windows picture manager and for more serious editing PSE. I did download the 81 RAW last night and surely don't need them all that way as about 80 of the 91 were test shots! lol!! Have done OK without RAW so far. I am doing my first exhibit in June but like you said, should get to know the camera first. PSE is so time consuming as I am still learning the ins and outs. I will make note your other info for future ref. There sure is a LOT to learn with a first DSLR!! :-O<br>


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<p>Down load the <strong>free</strong> View NX off the Nikon website then you can shoot in RAW all the time. Opening your RAW's up in View will add any camera settings you may have and so give you the image you see on your camera lcd thus you have no need to convert in PSE. You can convert the image to jpeg or tiff for later editing in PSE if you so feel the need.</p>
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<p>There are different opinions and methods as to how to save files..People vary on it and you just have to decide for yourself. I save everything as a jpeg and pictures of substance I also save the NEF file. The long term capibility of saving NEF files is not good. The files change with every new camera that comes out. In years to come you may find that you did not pay enough attention and those files are lost because you cannot open them anymore. But at any rate I save my pictures as jpegs ready for print. I do not reduce the file data and save them as a 8x12 at about 340dpi which is what my D200 produces. I also save NEF files of images that I feel are important to me. As a person becomes familiar with the photoshop programs and learn new things about it then your methods of doing things and saving will change. Right now if you save some NEF files you will be happy to go back and work with them again especially if you have small children who are growing and changing very quickly. I also keep pictures in the old fashioned way (prints). Just got a couple back today from Mpix.com..Very high quality work is what they give me.</p>
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<p>Thanks to both of you.<br>

Ross, what do you mean unable to open them again? Do you mean like in a later release of PSE? As you said, and I was just thinking it today, is that I will likely save all as jpg and certain ones as NEF either to "experiment with" as well as to keep all the data. I have my first exhibit coming up in June and may want to have some for that. I do a lot of macro (insects are my kids ;) so detail is important. I'll have to check mpix .com I was going to use a local camera shop, where i bought the camera, for my prints for the exhibit but it's the only place I have considered . Thanks for the tips!</p>


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<p>If you are going to exhibit I would be inclined to shoot in RAW as this save much more detail than jpeg and so will give you more versatility in your conversion. Jpeg's over time and with open saving moving etc will loose detail and image quality, as oppsed to RAW, which is to most purposes lossless.<br>

I doubt very much that you will have any problems with raw files in years to come, as pointed out by ross, new cameras always come out and the software is usually updated soon after but that doesnt mean that all your old files and software suddenly stop working. I have some 90 - 100,000 files squirreled away going back to when I started using Photoshop 5 and I can still open these now in NX2 and CS3 with no hassles.</p>

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<p>What I meant on that is that each new camera has a NEF/RAW file that is different. If you bought a D90 or some new camera in the future the plug-in offerred will not work in PE3. You will probably go to CostCo and buy a new edition of photoshop so you can work the files for your new camera (maybe not and buy something else)..Now you have a new camera and a new photoshop and you cannot open the nef files from your D80 anymore unless you keep your PE3+plug-in working also.. Eventually your PE3 or the plug in for it will become non usable because you lose it, your computer crashes or a new computer will not accept the old photoshop program..If that happens those NEF files are useless. Basically the technology just moves on and leaves things behind...Everything opens jpegs however at least for now..Jpegs might vanish one day also and get replaced by a better file or maybe a worse file...One thing for sure is you need to back up things on an external hard drive. Photography is a lot of work for the enthusiast.</p>
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