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Medium Format Stereo?


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I am an medium format camera user and also an avid fan of stereo (3D) photography, currently with a 50s vintage stereo realist. I would like to get the better image quality I am accustomed to when shooting medium format but with a 3D perspective. I am aware that for static subjects I can always use a medium format camera and shift the camera a couple inches to the side between identical exposures. However, I mostly photograph people where this technique is not an option.




Is anyone aware of any medium format stereo cameras, new or older, at any price. I am aware that Imagetech had a rather expensive mf multi-lensed camera designed primarily for their 3D print process. However, I much prefer slides to prints. Any info, leads, or experience about such a camera would be appreciated greatly.

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I too am taking the medium format stereo plunge. So far I have been doing Realist format stereo but have started to get into medium format stereo. My images have so far been taken using a slidebar and my Mamiya but like you say, that isn't satisfactory for any subject that isn't standing rock solid. As far as available medium format stereo at a budget price, one option is the Sputnik stereo camera. I was going to go this route but talked to several people in a position to know such things and appearantly the glass on the Sputnik is less than satisfactory unless stopped way down. They also require lots of work to eliminate light leaks and the like. In the face of this, my approach is to twin two TLRs together and synch the shutters. Haven't finished the project yet but it is looking promising. Another area that you have to go the handyman route in is to obtain a viewer. As far as I have seen there are no cheap 1950's vintage medium format viewers to be had at a reasonable price. There are some web sites that advertise a willingness to sell you a kit for in the neighborhood of $100 or more. There are even more places that have design drawings, specs and pictures of their projects to help you build your own. That is what I am doing is constructing one from scratch. Sam Smith has a web site dedicated to homemade cameras and viewers and has links to other such sites. It's a good place to start looking. His URL is: http://www.cadvision.com/3dhacker/
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Hello Mark:

If you are familiar with the on-line auction E-Bay there is a russian Sputnik 6x6 stereo up which is currently below $200, The auction closes today (6/22) so you don't have much time if you're interested. The item is offered at (http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=17960162). You can E-Mail the offerer at chuck@wr.net for a jpeg of the camera. (That is if it's not too late to get his attention)

Best wishes.


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