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Imagon any tips and tricks


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My best suggestion with the Imagon is to shoot A LOT! It really takes quite a

bit of experience to get a hang of the lens, and all the different contraptions

which come with it. Focusing is easier if you keep the outside holes of the "H-

disks" closed, and then open before exposure. I have also been playing with

using the regular aperture rather than the disks--which is interesting. I have a

pdf file of the original manual, email me off list if you want me to mail it to you.

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"Focusing is easier if you keep the outside holes of the "H- disks" closed, and

then open before exposure"


Bad advise.


The focus shifts with every change in disks or disk settingx]s.


Always focus at the position that you plan to use to avoid focus shifts.


As for using the aperture in the lens.


This blocks rays from other then the center and loses the typical Imagon effect

- so it is not recommended for an Imagon to work as designed.


As for focusing the Imagon will turn a small point of light into a cross when the

lens is sharply focused. Just try to observe a bright spectral and look for the

cross. When shooting portraits I have the subject hold a pocket flashlight, like

the AA Maglight, in the Candle mode and hold it at the bridge of the nose.

Focus till I see a cross and then remove the light. Once you see what a sharp

image looks like on the GG you can dispense with the light.


For exposure a 5:1 ratio works best usually and an undiffused main light

source is much nicer then an umbrella or soft box.


Lastly - play and experiment.

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