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How to update both A and B firmwares to the latest version (D300); and why should I do that?


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<p>Hi everyone, this is a pretty simple question, but I can sure use some of your help. </p>

<p>I recently updated the firmware for my D300. It seems that I was only able to upgrade the B firmware to the latest 1.10 version; while the A firmware remains as a 1.02 version. I tried to upgrade both firmwares to 1.10 version, but nothing really happened despite my attempts. So how can I get it done?</p>

<p>Also, why it is suggested that both A and B firmwares need to be upgraded to the latest version? What would it do? What would happen if they're not the latest version (even if one is). </p>


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<p>You have to put the updates in the root directory of your memory card seperately.</p>

<p>Copy the A file onto the memory card (root directory). Run update from the menu. Then delete the A file from the memory care, copy the B update onto the card and run it using the update menu. If you already have done the B update they just load and update the A portion. The key is you can't have both files on the memory card at the same time.</p>

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