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How can I get one of my pictures published?

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Try selling prints at a local art fair. That will give you an idea of what people like.


Or try peddling your pictures to the local newspaper, they might buy a picture of a late-breaking news event.


Or try selling your friends portraits of themselves, their children, or their pets.


Or try selling your services shooting home interiors and exteriors to local realtors.




These are all ways other people make money with photography. I would suggest building a strong portfolio that defines the kind of photography that <b>you</b> do, then look for opportunities in that market.


Michael is completely correct, making money from photography is more about marketing than it is about photography. That's one reason that so few photographers actually make a living at it, and there are sooooo many hobbyists.


There is <em>NO SHORTCUT</em> to success. You must spend years building a business and a reputation before you can expect to make any real money taking pictures.




remember, free advice is generally worth exactly what you pay for it

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It would help to see some of your representative work to better advise you. Newspapers and books (whatever that means) don't just buy "pretty" pictures for no reason. You must offer what they want when they want it. Newspapers usually want newsworthy shots to go along with their coverage. Books are another matter altogether. What sort of books are you referring to? There are a "zillion" type of books.
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Perhaps, now, you're beginning to get the idea that publishers aren't panting for images. There are a million wannabees out there submitting all manner of photos to publishers of all kinds EVERY DAY! What do you have? Let's see some of your work.
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Pick any magazine that would be interested in your photos. Go to the website of that magazine and read their photography guidelines. Follow them to the letter. Someone like Reiman publications might be interested in something like you Lamar shot if it was more colorful. Art is wrong. Editors do pant for images, but finding the right ones is tougher than you might think. Editors need reliable sources that fit their specialties, generally not just stock that everyone has. The easiest way to get published is to write something for a small market magazine. If you can present a completed package, your chances improve a lot.
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If I were you, I'd choose one of the publications I'd be interested in publishing in, shoot some work like they have in their publication, and then contact them. You might want to ask them if they ever pay freelancers for just one shot.


Or, shoot some work in your local area and contact your local newspaper. They're usually eager to pay a few bucks for a good freelance shot.


Another idea is <a href="http://jpgmag.com">JPG Magazine</a>. It's a photographic art magazine that publishes photos by submission only.

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"I want to be in magazines and books though, how do I do that?"


What magazines? Usually magazines have submission guidelines. Request a copy.


What books? Books are already published so you can't be in those, unless it is a serial publication like an annual. In that case, the eidtor will have submission guidelines. Request a copy.

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A three key riddle :-)


When I went to a publisher 2 years ago he was thrilled with my work of a presentation of 40 photos (not presented in my portfolio). He asked me to do a specific kind of presentation of a specific subject and return to him. I still havent gone back because it's difficult to sum up say 300 photos of a specific subject and fill it with comments and info of all kinds.


What you can do though is start wondering what sells to your target group. Start asking to yourself to what kind of people do I want to meet everyday to give my photos. If you dont have much PR skills the best thing is to find the kind of people that you like. It may be architects and you could photograph their work or others work of buildings and create portfolios and have them in your briefcase for them to see your work. In a likewise manner gradually you'll have met all sorts of people who (at a specific time point) will like your work.


In the meantime you need practise, study of photos of Masters and trying to see your photos like they werent yours. Do you really like them ? What is that you dont like about them and why the buyer didnt also like it?


Finding the golden mean between what is art and what sells as art is a key to success but not the only key. This month is filled with bands for me while three months ago I was selling b/w work for restaurant walls and gifts for friends and people around me...


Again thinking that what you have is good is not good enough. In reality it will never be good enough for everybody, and in order to have a selling success, knowledge of what sells in what target group is the second key.


The third key is totally in your hand. :-)

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