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Haoda focusing screen for 40D


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You are aware that unlike the earlier D models, the screen on the 40D can be changed for any of a set of Canon-made screens? Is there a specific reason you are going for the Haoda screens, originally made for the unofficial replacement of screens on 20-30D cameras?<div>00OFt6-41441384.jpg.48cfa29ca4031f8a32a07699213c9116.jpg</div>
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I bought a Haoda screen for my 20D, but opted for a Katz Eye screen for my 40D. The Katz Eye's split screen center portion doesn't go dark at apertures smaller than f/5.6. With the Haoda, once you stop down for a critical look, or use a slow lens, even f/5.6 the split screen is difficult to use, and f/6 is impossible. The Katz Eye version is still usable to f/16.


Also, Haoda didn't offer any grid screens last I looked, and that's one thing I wanted. I chose the new 1/4 grid, which has vertical lines marking off the boundaries of an 8x10 print crop -- handy for wedding photographers. I found just having the grid in my vision helps me to compose and keep the camera from tilting. I don't even notice the lines any more, but it's still a subtle reminder to stay on the level, and my keeper rate has increased.


I find both after market screens about the same brightness, which is less bright than the originals, but at the same time, the image in the ground glass area does pop into focus better than it did with the original Laser Matte screens. This has been documented elsewhere, and is logical once you figure out how they brighten the screens. Katz Eye offers a $50 brightness option that is said not to effect this, but I didn't get it.


Bottom line is, I'm happy with both, but the Katz Eye screen is better.

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