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Groups in SF Bay Area


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I was wondering if

anybody knew of like groups or something for photographers in the SF Bay area.


Basically, here's my story:

I'm a Computer Science student but took tons of photo classes and got into

advanced stuff such as large format and medium format. At my school I could

take photo classes and stuff even with photo majors with special permission, and

my work was pretty comparable to the real photo majors even in the advanced

classes. Now though, I am pretty much uninspired, perhaps living in San Jose

has to do with it, but I haven't shot more than 3 or 4 sheets of film in the

three months that I have been here so far and it's really depressing. I haven't

even gotten around to developing them because I wasn't too excited about them in

the first place.


All my photo equipment and stuff is going to waste and I'm rotting away in my

cube at work.


Anyways, ideally I'd be looking for a group of people that are more than just

digital and 35mm, with a more "fine art" perspective on their work and others.



Thanks in advance,


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When I lived up there sometimes I'd just take off and go into the woods. Old Santa Cruz Highway was nice. Castle Rock is interesting.


You're not too far from Point Lobos!


Or go into the hills to the south, up towards Lick Observatory. I don't know what might have happened there in the last 20 years, but I'll bet plenty of it is still rural -- and beautiful around sunset.


Then there's the Salinas Valley!


Man, I'd trade with you any day....

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There are a number of bay area LF shooters. I've been suffering from too-busy/lazy period lately.. sometimes it just takes picking a day and meeting up and going out to break the cycle.


I've been part of two false starts for a film-centric camera club in the area. Maybe we are just too few and far between?


I would try maybe the SFBAS group on flickr. They organize outings. I've been out once with some flickr folks. I hope to go again, a small group is good motivation for me.

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