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Gel Lighting of Backgrounds


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I am trying to buy a background, but was planning on using gels to

light them up and reduce


the number of colors I need to Buy. I tried to find if any body has

done this before. I see


from the other forum members that it seems like an idea used by

many. I have few questions


about this. But before I go into them let me explain what I am

planning to use this for.


I am trying to do portraiture. For the most part location, but

sometimes need the studio


effect and so am looking for portable solution for the background. I

have a <a


href="HTTP://www.white-lightning.com/x800.htm">White Lightening X800

Monobloc/strobe </a>


light that I plan to use for the background lighting. I am planning

to get their <a


href="http://white-lightning.com/gels_filters.htm"> GEL Kit </a> and

use it to light a




What color backgroud is best for this? I thought grey might be good

but which grey?


Does this technique always result in light backgrounds? If I want

saturated colors is it




What grey should the background be so that I can get both light

colors and dark colors


using them? Is one Background of lets say 18% grey/ Payne Grey

(Slightly green)/ Studio Grey


/ neutral grey suffice or do I have to have a darker shade of grey

to get darker effects?

I know that giving more seperation between subject and background or

reducing the


background lights tend to darken the background but I will be

working with limited space


and so need to start off with darker backgrounds where needed.


Is paper better or muslin better for this type of use?


Also for this technique to give best results should the light be

behind the background or


in front (I think this question is pertinent only to muslin as

muslin is not completely




If I have a background which has a hot spot of light grey with dark

grey around it will the


use of this colored backlighting still leave the hotspot in the

final image of the




How does this technique come out for old masters type muslins (I am

still talking grey but


with various tones of grey)


Also is it possible to use the same Muslin with one side one shade

and another side another


darker shade? If so any tips on how to make this type of muslins? I

can try and dye them


but none of the other threads in the forum give any instructions on

doing dual color


muslins. - Maybe this should be a seperate Question but I stuck it

in here.

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Black paper is the best for this technique as it will give you the truest and most saturated colors. the light should be in front of the background.


you should run a test for each color gel that you plan to use so that you know what intensity to use on your light for the amount of color you want. to do that, you set your light up the way you are going to use it and then you put a gray card on the background without any gels on your light and you meter that with a relfective flash meter to give you an 18 percent gray reading. then you shoot a photo of that gray card. next, you put a gel on and use various power ratings for each gel you use and shoot a picture of each. then you have the lab print them all for the exact same time as the proper printing of the gray card. you will then have prints to match any intensity that you want.


Make sure and talk this over with your lab manager first to see how he/she wants to do it, and make sure you keep good records of what you are doing so you know what is what.


As far as Muslins go, try Amvona. They make absolutely gorgeous muslins.



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