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Exposure lock

el molise

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To use the exposure lock button, push the shutter button down halfway to take a reading, and then, while holding the shutter down halfway, press and hold the exposure lock. You can then recompose while still holding both buttons and then finally snap the exposure.


By the way, as I recall, the lock is the small black button and not the larger silver rimmed one above it. I so rarely use this feature that I don't recall exactly.

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I realy miss the meter on my Olympus OM4.That camera was stolen from me.It had spot metering.I could take several spot meter readings,and the camera would avarege all the readings and come up with an exposure.It also had Highlite and Shadow.And if I'm not mistaken,it had an exposure lock where you could depress the shutter half way to lock exposure,recompose,fire the shutter,and reset for the next pic.
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