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Explanation please


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I would also like an explanation of what exactly this means. I have searched the archives for this forum, but have not seen this explained.


From what I gather, when "Rate Recent Average" is selected as the sort criteria (which is the default selection) in the Gallery, then only ratings that have been given anonymously through the "Rate Photos" feature are counted. How about if you choose "Average" for the sort criteria? Is it still only anonymous ratings that are counted, or does it also take into account non-anonymous ratings? Are there any sort categories that take non-anonymous ratings into account?


I would also be grateful if someone would point me to an explantion of the rationale behind counting only the anonymous ratings. (I assume that it is because you cannot select which photos you want to rate if using the "Rate Photos" feature, so you cannot target specific photos with the intent of rating them up or rating them down.)


It would be nice if a comprehensive explantion of how the ratings system works were posted somewhere on the site.

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