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Digital equivalent to "burn some film"?

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<p>I must be pretty boring because I usually just tell my wife that <em>"I'm going out to take a few pictures"</em>. </p>

<p>I said exactly the same thing to my parents when I was a kid and all I had was my trusty old "F", and since then, I've never changed the phrase I used, even when I switched to almost all digital. It never was highbrow <em>"images"</em>, middle-of-the-road <em>"photographs"</em>, or lowbrow <em>"snapshots"</em> -- always <em>"pictures"</em>. However, about half the time I say, <em>"shoot a few..."</em>, instead of, <em>"take a few..."</em>.</p>

<p>If I'm out shooting with another photographer and see something interesting, I might say something like, <em>"Hold on -- I've got to grab that shot"</em>, but never anything that might seem cute or affected.</p>

<p>However, if I'm discussing photos with a client, an editor or another photographer, I almost always refer to them as <em>"images"</em>.</p>

<p>Tom M</p>

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<p>A digital equivalent to burning film needs the self-deprecating tone applied to something that's actually purposeful and probably skilled. An artist smears paint, a machinist makes chips, a cabinetmaker makes sawdust, a mason throws mud, an excavator moves dirt, and so forth. </p>

<p>Although we still use film, my wife and I usually say we're going to go click a shutter. That could work for digital too until something better comes along.</p>

<p> </p>

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