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Deleting all galleries.


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Is there some easy and functional way to delete all of ones galleries?


I tried deleting individual photos and they seemed to be gone so I carried on and deleted all of the galleries.


When I was finished, my portfolio showed no photos so I assumed that my considerable time and effort deleting everything had been successful.


The next time that I logged onto this site all of my images were back again?


Has this happened to other people?


Is there a solution?



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Gordon...all my photos and galleries have been DELETED. I have been a PN member since 2001 but this new version no longer works for me. I don't remember how I deleted my photos but I think it took several days. Maybe because various servers had to sync up.
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Thanks Bill, I deleted all of my images days ago but perhaps the severs are that slow. The odd thing is that while doing the actual deleting the images were disappearing in real time as I worked. It was only afterwards that they all reappeared.
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Gordon, yes this has been reported on since the roll out. I've read some reports that it's fixed and others that it's not. I haven't touched my portfolio since the roll out of PNx.0. I would like to order my galleries and photos but from what I've read on the HELP threads, those functions are still not operating or operating well. I've been waiting for some consistent word from members who actually have experience working with their galleries regularly that things are functional. So my sense is you'll have to give it some time.


I'm sorry to hear you're deleting everything. I wanted to send you a personal note yesterday but I'm not getting the choice to do so when I access your profile like I do with most people. You may have turned off conversations or it may be a glitch. Who knows these days, with so many active glitches still abounding. In any case, if you're leaving PN, send me a personal message with your current email address. I tried sending an email to the address I had for you but it got bounced back. I'd like to stay in touch.

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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Thanks for all of the replies.


JDM I believe that I did SAVE . I did at that time see my profile with no photos remaining. I'll try again.


Fred I have been banned from the forums until today so was unable to read alerts or do much of anything. I'll message you with my personal email. I may have something turned off as I did at one point try to remedy getting idiotic numbers of emails every time I posted to the NW forum.

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