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color replacement tool in photoshop for red-eye reduction?

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Okay. I'm trying to follow Adobe's help in using the color

replacement tool to do retouching...but needless to say it does not

appear to be working....


Even if I select black as the replacement color it is replacing the

red in the eye with GRAY! Am I missing some adjustment or another?

It is really annoying.


Sorry if this is is not detailed, but I'm following Adobes online help

(using the help menu in photoshop cs) for red-eye reduction and the

technique seems simple, but the results suck donkey vomit....


Any obvious thing that these instructions are detailing or that I am




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Hi George, I'm not sure about Adobe's instructions but you might try this: 1) Make a selection around the eye(s) 2) Choose Select>Feather and give a 2 or 3 pixel feather 3) Use Hue/Saturation (Ctrl-U) to desaturate just the (selected) eye(s) by dragging the saturation slider to the left. Works for me. Good luck!
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Thanks, but when I desaturate it again is turning gray....., which I thought it would turn black...but its probably my lack of understanding.... In this case gray really stands out in the picture....not as much as bright red, but definitely way way way too much.
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Well, George, I don't have a solution for you, but just so you know you're not alone - it does the exact same thing for me. I'm digging around trying to figure out what the problem is. If I figure anything out, I'll post it here.



Austin, TX

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I just found a good hint similar to Ray's suggestion of using the channel mixer on a selection, but using a Channel Mixer adjustment layer.


<a href="http://www.photoshopsupport.com/tutorials/cb/remove-red-eye.html">http://www.photoshopsupport.com/tutorials/cb/remove-red-eye.html</a><br><br>

This seemed to work really well for me. I also did find that the color replacement method worked better on subtle red-eye. If you notice on the example in the help file, it's a darker red-eye. On very extreme bright red-eye, I think the gray is actually the expected result based on how the color replacement works.<p>


Austin, TX

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