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Classic Lakeside Looksee

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<p>This classic 1960's vintage image shot in the High Sierra along the shores of beautiful Lake Italy was exposed on color print film this last summer. A particular look I like looking at. <br>

Camera is a Crown Graphic 23 sporting a junky 103mm Trioptar lens and using the older knob wind Graphic 23 roll back for full frame 6x9 compositions. <br>


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Super Image. I see what you mean about the vintage image. I think it's neat that some

are trying to recreate this look. Recently there was some comparisons ,but in the end

yiu don't haver same film as then and for many it's the time (or image deterioration) that

seems to make a difference. I think a part of it is "our" time. That is how we idealize

an image and the best technology had to produce. I recall thinking how plastic some

"new" color images struck me in the late 80s.

In my view you've achieved your goal. Could be a magazine or a postcard from the early 60s!

Super job mister Speed/Crown Graphic!

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<p>The things I would draw attention to that make the photo look vintage are the choice of subject matter and the composition. This may be part of what Chuck was getting at with his reference to 60s magazine or postcard shots. It was taken with a vintage sensibility -- it's the <em>type</em> of photo that was taken in the 60s and chosen for magazines and postcards, regardless of the equipment. This is what many are missing when they try to make vintage-look images: approaching the subject matter as if you were a photographer of the time, with those norms and sensibilities. It is often said that the most important piece of photographic equipment is the thing behind the camera, and it is that which has to, if not actually be vintage, at least relate to the past in order to do convincing vintage photography. Otherwise you get pictures that are as unconvincing as Anne Hathaway playing Jane Austen in the terrible movie that my wife was watching on a DVD the other night.</p>

<p>Oh, plus, it is a bit yellow. :)</p>

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