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Capture One Pro 5: All my crops moved!

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<p>I'm working on a series of about 35 portraits. I need them to all be consistent in headsize and cropping. I made an overlay to use in C1Pro and yesterday I positioned the overlay over each image, adjusted it until the head circle in the overlay was perfectly around the subjects head, and then cropped the image to the size of the overlay.<br>

Today when I began working on the files I noticed that many of the images crops are way off. I reposition my overlay above the image, getting the head size just right, and in theory my crop should then be around the outer border of my overlay but it's not.<br>

Has anyone experienced a problem like this? I'm wondering if some how when I was working on new crops I was accidentally moving the old ones some how?<br>

This is very frustrating, I'm trying to get 35 images consistent looking and they keep changing on me!</p>

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