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<b><i>FAQ:</i> How to add images to your posts</b>

allan engelhardt

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<P>To add images to your posts you need three things:



<LI>A digital version of your images, preferrably in JPEG (<CODE>.JPG</CODE>) format.

<LI>A web server to host your image file.

<LI>A little bit of HTML coding in your post.



<P>To take the points in order: If you are using a digital camera, then the first point should be trivial and explained in your user guide. The <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/photo/">photo.net</A> site covers <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/wtr/thebook/images.html">how</A> to get a traditional film scanned and <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/photo/labs.html">where</A> the best places for this service are.


<P>The web server gives you a place on the net to store your image. As a side effect each image file will have an address known as a URL or URI. It could be something like <CODE>http://www.photo.net/photo/pcd1638/glen-canyon-dam-2.1.jpg</CODE> for one of Philip's images. You'll have to find your own Internet Service Provider (ISP) which will allow you to store some files on a web server.


<P>Please try to keep you images in a reasonable (i.e. not too big) size.


<P>Then to the HTML. It's easy, really, if a bit scary. You need to know the URL of your image file and the size in pixels of the image. The image mentioned above is a 196×134 pixel JPEG image. To add ti to your submission you have to type the following in your submission:



<IMG SRC="http://www.photo.net/photo/pcd1638/glen-canyon-dam-2.1.jpg" WIDTH="196" HEIGHT="134"> <P>This is one of Philip's pictures....



<P>If everything works out OK, then your posting should look like


<P><TABLE BORDER WIDTH="100%"><TR><TD><IMG SRC="http://www.photo.net/photo/pcd1638/glen-canyon-dam-2.1.jpg" WIDTH="196" HEIGHT="134"><P>This is one of Philip's pictures....</TABLE>


<P>to the rest of the community. Use <CODE><P><CODE> to start a new paragraph.


<P><STRONG>Now for the scary part:</STRONG>There is <EM>no</EM> preview facility on this system, so you have to get all the HTML right first time! This is surprisingly hard.


<P>Philip's guide to HTML is at <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/wtr/thebook/html.html">http://www.photo.net/wtr/thebook/html.html</A>.

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<P>See? I can't event get a chunck of HTML right myself.</P>


<P>But to the point: in another thread somebody pointed out that you

can upload your images to the <a

HREF="http://www.photo.net/photodb/">index@photo.net</a> database which

Philip is kind enough to host on his <A

HREF="http://www.photo.net/">photo.net</A> site. If you place them there

then they will be safe even if you change ISP over the next twenty or

fifty years. Highly recommended.</P>

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