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Asset Matching: what skills do you have?--activity by Tony Luna

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What tools and skills do you possess? What are your strong points, your offerings to the world? How do those line

up with your work, personal, creative and other pursuits?




Tony Luna's article <a href="/learn/photography-business/rediscover-passion-for-photography/drive-to-create/">How

to Rediscover your Passion for Photography: Part I</a>, takes a look at what passion is and what the "Drive to

Create" is all about.




He offers an activity on <b>Asset Matching</b> to help you examine and see options for your creative expression

you may not have entertained before:




<li>Make five columns with the following headings: Work Experience, Personal Experience, Skill Sets, Interests,

and Influences.</li>

<li>Under the Work Experience column, list your job titles or names of job positions you have held. Beneath

Personal Experience, write experiences that have had an impact on your life (positive and negative). Under the

Skill Sets column, you may write a list of the skills you have picked up along the way such as computer skills,

languages, managerial, etc. Next you may list the things that Interest you, the things you especially love to do;

things you enjoy doing even if you don’t get paid for them. And under Influences note the people and things that

inspire you the most. Together these lists will paint a picture of your achievements, involvements and


<li>Now examine those five columns. Take a step back and look at your assets and see what is revealed.</li>




You may see a gestalt emerge that provides a career opportunity you had not thought of before, or you thought of

but did not take advantage because it did not seem realistic. And, on occasion, you may be able to pick

something, or things, from each column and see a new option open up by mixing elements of your background with

other interests, which evolve into new entrepreneurial ventures.</i></p>


<p>What did you see as a result from doing this activity? It may be interesting to share your experiences,

observations, and creative opportunities revealed, and compare notes with other photographers in similar phases

of reexamining their creative output.


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