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Anyone heard of this lens?

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I just bought a Graflex Speed Graphics 2x3 camera but I've never

heard of the lens that it comes with. (The camera is being shipped

to me so I don't have it in front of me to look closer.) The lens is

a 105mm f3.8 Casser with a compur shutter, speeds from 1 to 250 with

B and T. I can't find anything on this lens. Has anyone heard of it

and can you tell me anything about it? I plan on buying a Kodak

Ektar lens later. For now, I will try this lens and post the results

in a few weeks.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Jay


What a coincidence. I've been searching for info all day on the Steinheil Munchen Cassar. Just put a bid on a Welta with one. There is zero refernce to it in the vast Pnet archives which really surprises me. It's a relatively common lens. So far what I've uncovered googling is conflicting, some say it's a triplet, some say it's a tessar. I hope somebody here in the know will come forth and shed some light on this lens.

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The Cassar was a poor lens in 35mm format being used on many cheapie cameras from Germany. However in mediumn format it may perform ok, so I would try it out before upgrading. I believe there was also a lens called the Cassaron which was a better quality 4-element lens.
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