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Agfa Clack

michel eberhard

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I'm thinking of diving into the 6x9 adventure, but I'm not prepared to spend lots of money

on a camera yet. First I'd like to see what I actually can do with this format, and my eye fell

on this old camera. Is it worth spending a few bucks on or should I leave it and look for

alternatives? Thank you in advance,



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The Agfa Clack is one of the 'would be' cameras of the 50s. Actually they don't have any advantage over a simple box camera (except for their curved film screen which probably makes their pics a bit less unsharp). You don't have any choices of shutter speeds, and only two or three different aperture settings. When shooting people, take care the heads are in the center. Everything outside a one-dollar-coin size area in the center will be unsharp.


If you want to take a bit more serious approach, look for a Zeiss Ikonta (520/2). Provided they are properly adjusted their Novar lenses are pretty sharp. The cheaper models have four or five speed shutters, many have a Prontor or Compur shutter with a full range of shutter speeds.

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How many are are "a few bucks"? Old folder and box cameras might show you the 6x9 negative format, but your pics will be not as sharp as with a good 35mm SLR, unless your particular camera has been CLA'd and serviced well, has none of the common aging/misalignment problems, or you have been exceptional lucky. Tonal range and "bokeh" will probably be quite nice, though.<p>

So, what are you looking for, what are the alternatives to the Clack and how much would you like to spend to give it a try ? (Keep in mind you can buy and sell old cameras with virtually no loss when using that internet auction site.)

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The Clack is in the fantastic plastic camera category. It's a 6x9 Holga. I've seen at least one website with some very impressive shots from the Clack. I keep a look out for a deal on a functioning Clack, because I think it would be fun to use, but I'd agree with the above recommendation of a Zeiss Ikonta C. It'll cost more, but it has a better lens, and a full range of apertures and shutter speeds.
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The opinions on the Clack are very diverse :) I have ordered one, for as little as 10 Euro's. Claudia, I would indeed be interested in using the Clack as a pinhole camera. However, I haven't tried to build one before. Would you have any guidelines for me on how to convert this particular camera? The pictures on your blog are very interesting, chapeau!



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I had a Clack. It can take excellent pictures at infinity (not like a more serious medium format camera, but pretty darned good). It's basically just a box camera. The limitation is the one shutter speed, which is very slow (approx. 1/30). So, for the best quality, you need to use very slow film (to be able to shoot in sunny 16 conditions) and, you really need to use a tripod. Personally, I think it's too good for the Holga-like effect, and not good enough to be a real user camera, except as a curiosity. You would be much better off getting a 6x9 folder like a Zeiss-Ikon Nettar.
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