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90 degree lighting


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<p>Hello all I am new to this site and new to Photography. I am taking an on line course from NYIP and I am doing my pjhoto project for unit 3. I am having problems with 90 degree lighting. Not sure what to take a pic of ? I have limited resorces as far as travel right now. I am tring to shoot something from around the my block. I do have a few schools near by and a feild also .Any Ideas? Thanks for the help<br>


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<p>If you are shooting outdoors at near sunrise or sunset, simply face either north or south and the light will fall at 90 degrees on anything you see for a subject. If indoors, you might use window light and face so that the window is at your right or left, then place a subject such as a person or a vase of flowers, etc. in the light from the window. Again the light will be at 90 degrees. Same if you are using a different light source such as an umbrella with flash or a table lamp. Just place it directly to the side of the subject and make your picture.</p>

<p>Schools and government buildings might not be the best choice of subjects unless you have written permission to be taking the images there. Seems like everyone, notably photographers, are under extreme suspicion after 9/11 and for the highly justifiable, but poorly reasoned protection of children. Case in point, in the town next to where I live, some jerk from out of state attended a Jr. High girls' basketball game and videoed the players. Someone became suspicious due to some behavior trait and that no one amongst the parents knew him, and security was brought in and challenged this person and reviewed the files from his camera. Turns out he was zooming tight on body parts that were inappropriate and not at all videoing the game. Deplorable behavior, but no law against it, so the city fathers (Ozark, Mo.) have enacted a new ordinance that disallows all photography at any such event except by the parents or by a professional hired by the parents.</p>

<p>May or may not be constitutional or enforceable, certainly a great idea to be protective of the kids, but just an example of how reactive the response may be to trying to take pictures of subjects related to even the buildings. </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks alot Tim this helps me alot.I live in New York about 20 mins from "Ground Zero" and yes I do understand. The thing about the guy filming the girls Body parts that sick. I have 2 boys 12 & 13 and I understand the need for awearness.I happen to have a beautiful vase of Roses and tomorrow in the Am or Pm i will be making Pictures. Thanks again Tim I hope to be in touch soon .<br>

Ed Logan</p>

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