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1964 Preview of Photo Products

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When I was in college I worked with a documentary film crew that shot with an Eclair NPR mentioned in the 1964 preview. It was still considered a premium camera in the mid 1970's, and it was quiet enough to film dialogue at fairly close distances, especially if you weren't filming in a "live" room with lots of hard sound reflective materials. The camera we worked with had a motor that was "crystal controlled" and could work either with a cord between the camera and 1/4" Nagra tape recorder or with a slate you could shoot sync sound footage without a cord. My glamorous job one summer was sitting in the back seat of a car on location and keeping the camera continuously loaded via the interchangeable film magazines--we had two of them, and that meant that I had approximately 11 minutes unload the previous 400' load (loosely taken up on a core which could not be allowed to drop out of the film, lest the lab disown us forever...) and load the new 400' load. Even parked in the shade a changing bag got pretty hot.

Thanks again for sharing this.

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