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The new photo.net "look"


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[since people asked me to post details on that particular topic, here

comes. I know i've posted parts of this elsewhere, but can't find it now.

Sorry for any duplication this may represent.]


In principle, many proxies would probably work. These instructions are

for privoxy, however. So,



<li>get and install privoxy from <a href="http://www.privoxy.org/">http://www.privoxy.org/</a></li>

<li>add the following to your filter file:


FILTER: photo.net


s¦<body[^>]*>¦<body bgcolor=\#222222 text=\#999999 link=\#dddddd vlink=\#bbbbbb>¦i




s¦<table width=768 height=108[^¬]*?</tr>¦<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>¦gi









s¦<script language=JavaScript>[^p]*photo_width[^"]*"(</tr>[^"]*)"[^<]*</script>¦$1¦

s¦(<textarea name=content cols)=50 rows=5( wrap=soft>)¦$1=100 rows=24$2¦


<li>add this to your actions file:


{ +filter{photo.net} }





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Two features that make it quicker for me to go where I wish on PN are: Pull down menus, and the SEARCH Box on top right...

I would hate to see the pull down menus go away.

Please bring the search boxes back on the main page and other places on the forums like before. It is annoying to have to click 'search' in order to arrive at a page which contains that box.

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Sandee, are you sure you want pull-down menus or do you just want to have all the links you like to go to at your fingertips? I don't think that would require pull-downs. There is a lot of space in the "menu bar" and with some organization i am sure all relevant places could be linked to from there. There is a general level of disorganization on the site--due to lack of manpower and legacy scripts i presume--that appears to be much more the problem. For instance, at the top of this page, we have three elements: "workspace| log out| search", "community | gallery | ...", and "workspace | community | ...". So, not only are the criteria that make these elements part of their collection dubious, there is also clearly lots of room for improvement.
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It's not cynical, it's realistic I'm afraid. I know a lot of people, photographers included, to whom a computer is a mysterious black box. If software doesn't self install and self configure they're lost.


In an ideal world everyone would be using the most recent version of their web browser and all web browsers would meet the same international standards of compliance.


In the real world you may be dealing with someone using DOS and lynx, Win 3.1 and Netscape 4, Linux and Opera 5, Win XP and IE 6....the list goes on. Maybe 1% use a proxy, maybe 1% use a firewall. Most use no color profiling, have gamma set wrong and use the default settings for all the display parameters.


So while you can design a website for the state-of-the-art user and tell all the others to upgrade, you'll lose 90% or more of your traffic if it doesn't work with whatever system they happen to be using. You have to design for a least common denominator - but with some sort of cutoff that drops the last few % of users still stuck with DOS and Lynx.


Web site design is a bit of a nightmare unless you have a development team testing everything on every possible platform - or you keep things simple. Then people complain the drop down menus don't work anymore!

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Tobias - I would like to have all the links, or path to all the pages that I want to go to, on the main page and I would like to reach there using just one click. The way I browse PN is like this: I come to the main page and put my mouse over community. Then as the menu drops down I select the forum I wish to go to. And I visit at least four different forums regularly. Having the pull down menus on all the pages really helps as I know that I need just one click to reach where I want to. Sadly, nobody misses the search box any more, getting where requires an extra click now.
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All of these changes seem irrelevant when photo.net can't accomplish the most basic mission; "The sharing of photos".

Over the months since I paid to join photo.net I've seen it become slower and slower. It easily can take over a minute or more to simply select a photo from the recent uploads forum to critique. I've simply given up on commenting or rating photos this month because it's impossibly slow.

You are in a catch-22 situation trying to get patrons when the service isn't there to justify their subscribing.

I would scrap the links to the things that don't work or aren't supported like critique circles that don't exist. Searches seldom work so why bother. Get down to the basic needs of the users and make those work well. Anything else is hurting photo.net. I don�t know if the recent changes have contributed to the slowness, but if people can�t load the site they won�t be looking at the interface anyway. By the way I run a 1.8gighertz machine connected almost directly to the Internet backbone; the problem isn�t on this end. There is my ranting, to which I almost never surrender. It�s frustrating that there isn�t a good working site for sharing and critiquing photos, Photo.net could be that forum but it�s not. How sad.

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