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Solution for resizing images to photo.net spec (linux users)

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This is not a question. I found a solution, and thought I would share



Photo.net prefers photos to be sized with a largest dimension of 800

pixels, and file size to be 100KB.<br>


For you Linux users out there who use the Nautilus file browser, here

is a tip.<br>


When you right click on a photo, one of the options is "scripts".

These scripts are in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/<br>


Put the following in that directory, and name it photo.net.sh:



--- cut photo.net.sh ---


# script to scale an image such that its largest dimension is 800 pixels,

# and the modified image is stored in ./photo.net/

# a quality level of 85 seems to look decent and be near 100KB.





if [ ! -d $DIR ]


mkdir $DIR



cp $1 $DIR

mogrify -quality $QUALITY -resize 800x800\> $DIR/$1

--- cut ---



this scales the image (using a Lanczos filter) to 800 pixels, and

preserves the aspect ratio, and puts the scaled copy into a

"photo.net" sub directory.<br>


Also, I put in "rotate_right.sh" and "rotate_left.sh" in the scripts

directory, so I can right click a thumbnail preview in nautilus and

rotate it.<br>



--- cut rotate_right.sh ---


# script to rotate a jpeg image 90 degrees clockwise,

# overwriting the old image at 100% quality.


mogrify -rotate 90 -quality 100 $1

--- cut ---



just make two copies of that, and replace "90" with "270" for rotating



hope this reaches the right eyes. it sure made my life easier.

suggestions, etc, of course welcome.<br>


-jason pepas<br>


ps - don't forget to chmod +x them!<br>


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Thanks for the tip Michael.


The updated script following that suggestion would look like:


--- cut rotate_right.sh ---


# script to rotate a jpeg image 90 degrees clockwise,

# overwriting the old image, losslessly


jpegtran -rotate 90 -copy all -outfile "$1" "$1"

--- cut ---


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