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Questions on HP5+ and D76 from beginner


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Couple of Questions.... 1. I shoot 400 speed film and I am wondering what the effects of slowing or quickening my shutter speed does to the film. 2. I found some D76 film developer in a cupboard opened and another in a fridge closed (all at work). I'm sure the stuff is at least 5 years old. What's the shelf life? 3. I'm starting up my own little darkroom - with my film, any suggestions as to the type of film developer, print developer, stop, fixer, etc.... THANKS!!!
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Tony I wouldn't use either of those D-76 developers. Even if they are still in the package in dry form you just don't know their storage history i.e. extreme temperatures etc. D-76 is dirt cheap so why not save yourself possible heartbreak and start fresh...with whatever developer you choose.
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Andy's right about discarding the D76. You can get endless answers on suggested darkroom supplies. Here's what I suggest for good value, good quality and relative ease.

1. Film processing: hard to beat D76, powder, but easy to mix.

2. Stop bath: Kodak indicator stop, liquid.

3. Fixer: Ilford Universal Rapid, liquid (1:3 for film, 1:7 for paper), and you don't need a hardening fixer.

4. I suggest using a wash-aid like Orbit, for 2mins., for film; cuts down wash time.

5. Kodak or Edwal wetting agent for film.

6. Ilford or Agfa MG RC paper.

7. Dektol paper developer; mixes identical to D76.





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