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Monday in Nature, 14 September 2020


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Guias Basicas: En la manera mas estrigente, la fotografia de la naturaleza no debe incluir elementos del "mano del hombre". Por favor que no incluyen en sus imagenes estructuras hecho de humanos, como edeficios, muros, y los de mas. No se permiten mascotas. Sujetos captivos, como en el parqe zoologico (o similar), se permiten, per deben ser identificado como si, y los imagenes deben atender primerimente en el sujeto, no en la condicion de captividad. Imagenes con elementos hecho por hombre pueden ser removados por el moderador, con una explicacion al fotografo. Guias estan basadas en las reglas del PSA gobernando fotografia de la naturaleza, los quales aplican lo mismo al Foro de la Naturaleza. Por favor que mantengan sus imagenes a menos que 1000 pixels en la dimension mas larga. Esto aplica lo mismo aqui como los cuales que estan locado on otros sitios como Flicker, Photobucket, y los de mas.


Por favor que publiquen no mas que una sola imagen a esta hilo cada semana.


(I thought I might give our Spanish speaking members equal time, for a change.)


Basic Guidelines: In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include "hand of man elements". Please refrain from images with buildings or human made structures like roads, fences, walls. Pets are not permitted. Captive subjects in zoos, arboretums, or aquariums are permitted, but must be declared, and must focus on the subject, not the captivity. Images with obvious human made elements will likely be deleted from the thread, with an explanation to the photographer. Guidelines are based on PSA rules governing Nature photography which also cover the Nature Forum. Keep your image at/under 1000 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc.


Each member please post no more than just one image to this weekly thread per week.

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What a beautiful image! - Attractive specimen thoughtfully composed, captured with spectacular colors and subtlety.. Kudos!


I especially like the cluster huddled together at the lower right with fresh "baby hair" at the outer edges. I love to look at this delightful imge again and again, from bottom to top, side to side.

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What a beautiful image! - Attractive specimen thoughtfully composed, captured with spectacular colors and subtlety.. Kudos!


I especially like the cluster huddled together at the lower right with fresh "baby hair" at the outer edges. I love to look at this delightful imge again and again, from bottom to top, side to side.

Right, amazing colors. And it is hard to find a bunch where the entire cluster is in good condition.

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"Everybody Out Of The Pool"

Mrs. Izzy got this one (I was looking the other way and by the time I turned around it was too late).

It was at a waterhole in Etosha NP Namibia, what spooked them was a lioness charging out from the lower right (outside the frame).

She had a bum paw and couldn't hunt. We overheard a guide saying something about if it didn't heal they'd probably have to shoot her.



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Izzy From Brooklyn
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