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One More- The Drag Race


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Ok just after I promise not to bombard y'all with endless photos of cars and motorcycles... I'm posting a 2nd shot! Ha ha, whoops- sorry!


I was at a vintage drag race back in July and of all the shots (of old cars, dragsters, & jalopys) I got, this one stands out to me as being the most fun. To me, it has an old time feeling to it- the car up on the hill kinda gives it away but mostly, this could have been a shot from the 1960s. I could have maybe cropped that car out, but in trying to maintain a 3:2 ratio, among other things, it remains. Shooting fast-moving things with a manual focus lens isn't. one of my strong points, that's for sure. For this shot, I more or less "zone focused", then panned the camera as the cars were coming at me- and tried to click the shutter at about where I'd focused.


it sort of worked, but in any event, the resultant image reminds me of old photos I've seen over the years. I'm posting the complete, original photo (uncropped) too, so please let me know if you approve of my crop and what you think of the photo in general.




The original, no crop, no additional edits on my part




Thanks in advance!

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Like #2 better. Caught it at a better time. Both strip cars more or less in focus, right distance, better angle, etc. Captures the feel better (I think). Background view better too (car at what I'm guessing is the start point).


Same exact shot, #2 just isn't cropped & the light has not been boosted or altered (by me). So the 1st image shows my treatment and the 2nd is the original.


But thanks!

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