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Post Processing Challenge July 25, 2020

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There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn.

If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example).



Always ready!



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The fire truck gets a new paint job by Ken Kesey. Used "select color range" in Photoshop to select red and then the inverse. Copied the selection and pasted it on psychedelic color panel. Then used "magic wand" to select individual panels and added additional colorful patterns. Selected the truck, then selected the inverse, and reduced saturation and vibrance of the background.

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  1. In Lightroom, I increased the white point, lowered highlights, increased clarity, shadows, vibrance, and texture.
  2. In Photoshop, I selected the truck using select subject, which almost worked—lots of clean-up with a brush.
  3. I enlarged the canvas, duplicated the truck layer multiple times, then positioned and resized them.
  4. For each truck, I did a color range selection for the reds, then added a hue/saturation adjustment layer and tweaked the hue, saturation, and lightness.
  5. I couldn’t make a convincing orange, but I found an enthusiastic volunteer as a stand-in.
  6. I cloned in the pavement in the foreground (rather messily--I got careless there).
  7. I added a background layer from one of my photos of Redwood National Park.
  8. I messed around some with the reflections on windows and bumpers to make it slightly less obvious that they’re all the same truck.
  9. Back in Lightroom, I tweaked the colors a bit more using adjustment brushes to modify temperature, tint, exposure, and vibrance. I would have had a hard time doing the radical color changes in Lightroom, but I found the fine-tuning a lot easier in Lightroom than in Photoshop.

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