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My guess is that they sent you the photo in order to give you a chance to back out now rather than later: from a purely practical point of view, they wouldn't be wanting a photographer who didn't want to be there. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't hesitate to turn down the job.


The other possibility (ok, so I'm a little cynical) is that they were fishing for someone to tell them they don't want their business because of that other photo so they can then sue for the same reason the people sued in the case of the cake maker hired to make a cake for a gay couple. There have been several of these cases, with varying results. One of the cries from the right is that liberals are all about being tolerant as long as you agree with them.


I agree with your method of turning it down - just realize they may have been looking for a pawn.

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Another update: As of this morning my official declination of moving forward with the photo session was accepted with very little to no issue at all. This makes me feel 100% better. Thanks all for your support and effort in helping me. Your encouraging words and support here in this community helped me and I can't thank you enough. Much respect!!
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."This is true for both the idiot Neo-Nazi types, the trolling privileged gay couple (oh look at us, we happen to be gay so "we must be morally superior", GTFOOH with that BS), and the “I’m a dude, but I identify as a woman, so you have to wax my balls” sickos types, LOL. They can all f$ck the f$ck f$cking off equally as far as I’m concerned "Phil.


Gay folk are very different in their believes to Neo Nazi types. The reality is the Nazi types murdered a third of the Jewish population....a mass slaughter. Yet, in western society, they are still able to propaganda their message of Evil.


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"There’s no such thing as “gay folk” or 'white folk" or “black folk” or “transgender folk” etc. as a homogeneous BORG like entity" Phil.


What is like in fairy land? Are you a wizard or a bloke with a big sword. I wannabe be a wizard. How about you?


Being into photography, and looking at photos, just looked at a photo of a black man cuffed and being dragged behind a horse.


And, let us all guess...who was riding the horse? A black man with superior culture values....wrong...a white man.


Man, those western culture values are so cool.

Edited by Allen Herbert
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" was a picture of them with Neo-Nazi flags and banners"


They are Nazis. There believes murdered a third of the Jewish population in the world. Some of those folk, they turned into bars of soap, to wash their hands with.


Like the original Nazi's, they operate with fear, and aggression to anyone who oppose them.


Tell them to f"""*off . That simple.


These horrors need to be stood up to, and not to be frighten by them. In life, you have to make a stand against evil, if not it will prevail as in Nazi Germany.

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The way I see it, as long as you’re not providing an essential life service, you can tell anyone to f$ck off, just like anyone can say to you to f$ck off by going to another business. . .


That's an opinion directed to the OP and within the general discussion topic: much of the commentary which followed is way off topic and outside the agenda of this Photography based forum, even considering the often extended boundaries of the Casual Photo Conversations Forum.


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