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Nikon Wednesday 2015: #11

Matt Laur

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<p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> please keep your image under 700 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site</strong> (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br />Are you <strong>new to this thread?</strong> The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are <strong><a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">right here</a></strong>:<a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km</a>. This forum's moderators are allowing up to three images per week, so share some work!</p>


<p>Hello all and a good Nikon Wednesday to everyone. Just walked back in the door from a little nocturnal spooking around the nearby construction site I've been photographically haunting. Today's earlier clouds blew out, and the temperature has dropped by about 40 degrees - it makes for a clear night sky to contrast with the monochromatic light from the street-side sodium vapor lighting. So here are some minutes-old JPGs, all shot with a D600 at ISO1600-3200 and about 30 seconds on the shutter, using a Sigma 30/1.4 between f/8 and f/14. No thematic encouragement this week - just hoping everyone shares some work. Off we go!</p><div>00dBeH-555707584.jpg.41df43bd3f97d3ce3cbb188d183a6651.jpg</div>

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<p>We've had an unusually dry winter in the Portland, Oregon area (and all of the Pacific Northwest, for that matter). I shot this about 40 minutes prior to sunrise on March 1. Flanking the St. Johns Bridge is Mount St. Helens on the left and Mount Adams on the right.</p>


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<p><img src="/photo/17980747" alt="" />Good day - my shots were taken during a winter break in February (2015). They will be from Key West Florida and they have the geographical reputation that they are the most southern part of the USA and only 90 miles from Cuba. Duval is the main street and there is a plethora of stores and services and all quite interesting. My first image is a storefront with some 'outrageous' T-Shirts, etc. </p><div>00dBel-555708884.jpg.606ddd7edb9d57f5ba4e40a0e92277ff.jpg</div>
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<p>More infrared -- pretty much all I'm using the D2H for nowadays -- plus experimenting with homebrewed lighting modifiers for a noirish effect.<br>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17984049-md.jpg" alt=""It doesn't look bad now. But in the morning ..."" width="680" height="450" border="0" /><br>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17984065-md.jpg" alt="The odious rhetoric of carnations." width="680" height="450" border="0" /><br>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17986053-md.jpg" alt="Hot mirror" width="680" height="450" border="0" /><br>


<em>All Nikon D2H, 55/3.5 AI'd Micro-Nikkor, with three-filter IR rig</em>.</p>

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<p>So many good shots this week! Especially like:<br>

<a name="00dBec"></a><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=3676315">Robert Wayt-</a> Your second picture of mount hood is outstanding.<br>

<a name="00dBfX"></a><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=6502147">Leszek Vogt</a> - Your bristlecone pine is great!<br>

<a name="00dBfs"></a><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=19054">Ilkka Nissila</a> - I love all your aurora shots!<br>

Here are mine for the week. Just a shot in the backyard with Nikon D800 + Nikon 300mm f4 and Nikon 2x tele. Enjoy.</p>


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