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D7000 vs D7100 for traits


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<p>Looking at comparison photos, the differences in sharpness are relatively limited, and having more sharpness in the original image never really hurts; softening a photo afterwards is easy, regaining the lost resolution not so much. As for the risk of moiré, seems from all tests to be really limited as well, clothes could cause minor issues with that but it's easily fixed as well. <br>

So, all in all, I see no reason why it would be less desirable.</p>

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<p>There are those who claim that having maximum sharpness is a bad thing in a portrait, since it shows every blemish in the skin. I'd generally rather have a sharp photo and blur out the details I don't like than start with something soft and try to sharpen the eyelashes... but I'm not a portrait professional.<br />

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The D7100 is, generally speaking, the better camera. But do you need the resolution? For portraits, I doubt you need the AF upgrade. If you're getting the D7100 anyway, go for it, but if you're getting it to improve your portraits, don't expect miracles. As for moiré, it's possible, but you have to try for it - at least, that's been my experience with a D800e. If all you're doing is fine fabrics, it might be a worry; if you're doing portraits in general, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. If you decide you want the D7100, I'm sure it'll keep you happy - assuming you've already spent all you need on lenses and lighting...</p>

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<p>I've been pondering the 7100 too (also currently a 7000 user). I've decided it's better for me to stay with the 7000 for now, keep learning, and spending that money to "upgrade" my experience: I've purchased a stand/umbrella/hot shoe translator kit which just came a few days ago. I'm home from work today due to the unusual cold here so it seems like a good day for something new :) (Not trying to hijack, sorry!)</p>
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<p>I switched from a D7000, to a D7100 almost as soon as the D7100 became available. I am not sure I notice a lot of difference in sharpness. Maybe if I look really hard, but then again maybe that's because I am looking so hard. I do notice differences with AF, card write speed, locking mode dial, and AUTO iso controls. I would say upgrade if things like that are important to you...</p>
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<p>The 7100 makes the most sense for a guy like me (D90 user). imho, it's always best to skip a generation on electronics products if you can. I do this with computers, cameras, guitar gear, etc.</p>

<p>That said, I think we're getting close to what Thom Hogan calls "last camera syndrome". In other words, we won't replace a camera until it breaks and dies. For me (a decided amateur, which has fast become the market for all DX, at least as Nikon see is it) the D90 nails it for me almost every time. Would I like more low light? Heck yeah, but I'll never buy for just one or two stops more, I'll wait for 3 or 4, which is likely what the "7200" may deliver in the future...</p>

<p>But once I have that... it'll be exceeding my needs, and I might even be "dumbing it down" to 12MP anyway...</p>


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<p>I have both the d7000 and 7100 and there is no question that the 7100 is my choice for portrait work. As was mentioned in another post you can reduce clarity in PP if blemishes are a problem. As far as moire is concerned I have only had a single problem and that was when I tried to photograph pima cotton for a demonstration. I truly love the 7100.</p>


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<p>My rule has always been is to skip a generation but if you are desperate, go full frame.<br>

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