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Can anyone identify this camera? Weird Leica m3?


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<p>Here's a <a href="https://encrypted.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZistYzdMeOT9yEUHuomr9tdUwwjOlBGFKQvJxqR5cx-242Of7Rz2oV2T1gtO5_1T3tXnVWVzSQk6--29FylPEyBQ4vPMiGVq8a9IvLTOh5aCQink1QyInhq3gxgOyG2eHMj3UL63AQHhhIPAlhEPD-hWmMRtXHZfkYd9CzyipkUezcx6IJUl55Xjr9FK2PB8wifGZ5ebF-66jT6flJ8TB8NLCyK6LJDiwIRIfT9VR9XC8_180mgfHbUdynmFJgRMhrhQ_1SQZHuB52iz24g7Rh8rN--ntPG2Rmh-Q37FRyFYUF-bEmgtQYnDRnCJ1FVbbu23wXfdSUYpMHWEcOxUuChV10mXMZGCCFCNaMP972x11Rtu3W_133yajxItNXu0NlZA9BArOfncqBXUSijifaBr9uurbhvVm-pZ8PIudCSowaGLKie-QkIVeFrETlJ4Tf_1_1ZgOBPKwBZwT0SS1QwL9RIPqX0VHvFmwK7_1c73H2DWfZ6iTrJBMx5rHaUTStX692EGku3Pg852TGXixbqL6ENiohYxu7O4isPysgFoM-YL4v-ZN3K7F-Ix1er2T54VBdPREV6pctgJFta3ZsSk_1RqMPpdRPgvZq-2wM6Wj36avJMG7ixVkTOa9QISFrgMObarPmnC8izWqzWXDc0uNq3bcROLqj41riBaxjS8I7b-1zuW2XbrCmJhUPmRK-QaNWbEWNAojHbiB2Pqxjihdj4Q22-UyaXCUmOh5y_12npym3T3YK6n-y32k4ctSeWpR4knIxaWPJwfZrP4ArwGugjcIsJYW6t1iGO2Ep73D-wNFNKnltRdp4w7KNUzqXVgcxKgfATizLGqMJHdeZ6heHe8MNJu71Jyf0EtuwPgWLISfXnVTk8rm0tX3L0dR8xvV2jQC0FES4cRT-UC0vJBare0rXP_1n5wSwqYFSW9MOsWdR0HddQI70_1WOgLkGFsgOhS9CACzRBrIHQc2FcylliYYAYT6gG4EIJ381pKrVsT9lPNCtkNtl3uTHrdywX2z6a93tsw27ZsKPc3MuMmpJ4jrEXPG-W8SpI_1la2T0RjyN-48HViFR5cAChhDTPczHeaB4Y4IONUYmUiYlo4Fv4GKm_1WyICcfSKrAXi2tUpp4_1-Vk2xam5oH5z_16XRWkmPovCcdiz7s1h11jGaT1O-CcNNTOpD5zB7c4QuDYMiyqG6vqiFco76fXh5gl9WmRfbgcGRPnhqai478ea-FeGvyvUYMBFD5DsiTZi50V9zhakFWthuJ6vutLvToULNu9ZYX_1mc3avpmranfBrV8o8GKS2rnLqdrjMUX0XA&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1000&bih=638&site=search&sa=X&ei=viv-UNHfIonl2AXLzIDwBg&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQ9Q8">Google search with several hits linked to that photo</a>. Most appear to be interviews in various languages, but <a href="http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.quesabesde.com%2Fnoticias%2Fantoine-dagata-magnum-photos-entrevista%2C1_8255">Google translate</a> should help with that.</p>
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<p>"I think the 23mm f2 lens with hood?"</p>


<p>Thank you!<br /> Yes, I believe so too - the lens which comes standard with the camera - I first thought that it wasn't the standard lens as it appeared odd to me, It's been bugging me. Woke up this morning and looked for “accessories” for the lens . . .<br /> I haven't ever seen the camera used with that lens hood contraption on it. <a href="http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/FujifilmX100/3">It is a lens hood and also an adaptor for filters, I understand. </a></p>


<p>addendum - I don't know if the lens whcih comes with the camera can be unscrewed or not - I just assumed it could be as I thougt it wasn't the standard issue lens in the photograph in question</p>

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<p>. . . I do now after reading a bit more - it is a fixed lens! Duh!<br>

I saw a man (a guest) using one at a Wedding last year and I took particular note of it as it was 'unusual'. . . then a few days later I saw another one being used in the city streets. . . weird coincidences of life. Never seen the camera again until this thread.<br>

Upon me reading the review, (link above), it looks a very fun camera to use.</p>

<p>I've learnt a bit more about Antoine D'Agata too, thanks to the supply and reading the links above.</p>

<p>Yes: I too would have answered that he used a Contax Rangefinder Film Camera, if I had been asked that question.</p>

<p>WW </p>

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