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Website Review


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<p>Good Morning! I have been working on a website redesign for about a week now, there are several things that I know I need to clean up. I was hoping that someone out there would help me point out the things that I am missing.<br>

I also don't have my full portfolio up there (right now it is mostly pictures from my blog), I didn't want to waste the time if I wasn't going to keep this look.<br>

Please let me know the good, bad and ugly comments.<br>

<a href="http://sitesandscenes.com">http://sitesandscenes.com</a></p>

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<p>I'm confused by your site. You're using to promote both photography services and website design? Those should be two entirely separate websites. I was getting all into the pet photography thing and then this pool website promotion swooped in and at first I thought you had an advertisement for another company coming through your site. If I was considering you for either service I'd be turned off by the content that is unrelated to that service, and go elsewhere. </p>
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<p>Thank you all for your comments and taking the time to look.<br>

Kim- I am actually having a logo designed, so hopefully that will fill in that area a litte better. I agree with the name getting lost.<br>

Kelly - I understand the concern, and I do plan on separating them some. I just haven't found a good way to do it and keep them both on one site. I might have to go the micro site way with a splash screen, but that is exactly what I am trying to avoid.<br>

Thanks again!</p>

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