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How do you make THIS HOMEPAGE?


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<p>He uses a php script which we can't see, and used <a href="http://www.emmeclausi.it/public/wordpress_2/intro.php">here</a> where you can view the source. This one uses another php script to select the images. It's likely some order in a file or filename sequence. The guy is trying to protect his images from the right click, but if you keep working through the scripts you can overcome that and get to the image to download, which you can see <a href="http://www.emmeclausi.it/public/wordpress_2/wp-content/themes/photojournalist_2/intro_imgs/rotate.php">here</a> where the right click works. You still can't see the script, but as noted, you can find examples in php and javascript on the Web.</p>
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<p>There are two places where scripts/executables can run. On the browser, or on the server. Server-side scripts (like PHP) are executed before the HTML is ever handed over to you... all you get is the OUTPUT of the script, which happens to include the image tag for the layout you're seeing there. It could be choosing from a list, using a cookie handed to your browser as a possible way of reducing the odds of showing you a repeated image ... or it could be using a random number generator to pick from a substantial enough list of images that the results are essentially the same.<br /><br />Server-side scripts do all SORTS of things that you'll never see when looking at the code that actually makes its way over to the browser. Some sites will use PHP, some ASP/ASPx... others will use ColdFusion or even server-side Java or JavaScript. Doesn't matter ... it's being parsed when you request the page, and the logic is already in the past by the time your browser sees it.<br /><br />Server side scripting is easy, but you're getting into a much more intimiate relationship with the server at that point. Operating system versions, scripting language versions, server-side execution permissions ... all of that starts to come into play when you ask the web server to be something more than essentially a file server that just hands over requested hunks of text and image files. When the web server can execute code before rendering the page, you get MUCH more interesting web sites. But you also increase the complexity of the beast.</p>
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<p>Thanks everyone for your much appreciated responses. It truly seems a wordpress related page. I was hoping to find some semi auto template doing this, instead of get myself into trouble with coding, or hassling the website's guy for his..<br>

Anyway, fhanks again!</p>

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