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Posted images being compressed


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<p>Images that I upload to my portfolio are being compressed. I've already compressed them down to 100kb or smaller and the longest side is 700 pixels. There is a noticeable difference in quality and size once they have been uploaded. Can anybody tell me why photo.net compresses them more and if I can prevent this? Thanks!<br>

-Will Campbell</p>

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<p>Will, I just checked a few of my images and I didn't find that that had happened to any of mine, However... Some of them, when you click on the size you see after clicking on their thumbanail, are actually a little <strong>larger</strong> than the size I submitted them at ( 1112 VS 1100 pixels wide and 729 VS 717 high) and the <strong>width/height ratio has been changed</strong> slightly. Maybe that's just inherent in Jpegs.<br>

I sympathize with you though. After putting in the work to get your image online as a reasonable fascimilie of the original quality at a reduced size and find that that doesn't show up is frustrating. My only suggestion is to post at the largest size that shows up. 692 pixels wide X a max height of 692 is the biggest I found after the initial thumbnail click. <br>

Hopefully the problem you're experiencing will get fixed. I like the picture BTW.</p>

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<p>Posted where, Will? Can you provide a link to the page on which the problem occurred?</p>

<p>I'm not seeing any record of you uploading images to the discussion forums so I'm assuming you're referring to your photo.net portfolio. The default maximum dimensions are 680 pixels in width. If you upload a larger photo two versions will be available: the default resized version, 680 pixels wide; the larger original, which can be accessed by clicking on the image itself.</p>

<p>I can see at least one photo in your portfolio (your most recent critique request) with the original version measuring 700x467 pixels and 506 kb in file size (that seems a bit excessive for a small JPEG); and a second, the default version prepared by photo.net, which measures 679x453 pixels and 112 kb in file size. I'm not seeing any significant differences in perceptible quality between the two.</p>

<p>If you wish to avoid seeing your photos resized automatically by photo.net you can upload JPEGs up to a maximum of 680 pixels wide. This will be presented as prepared, without any additional compression. Or, as many folks do, prepare a slightly larger original as an alternative view. Viewers have the option of clicking to see either version.</p>

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<p>Lex, I have a similar question: It seems that when an image is in portrait orientation, is fairly elongated, and I resize it to 700 px wide for posting to the forums, it seems to get automatically resized to a considerably smaller width. An example might be my post in this thread: http://www.photo.net/no-words-forum/00UhKf .</p>


<p>Tom M</p>


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<p>Tom: the No Words Forum is unique. It automatically resizes oversized photos to the 700 pixel maximum width limit. Most forums don't do this (sometimes I wish they did, with an option for oversized photos to appear as links). But it's necessary for the No Words Forum to ensure accessibility. Some users will not reduce the size of their photos so the forum does it automatically.</p>

<p>It can be confusing because the NW Forum, most other forums and the portfolio spaces each have different maximum size options.</p>

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<p>I've noticed that in the past year, P.net is changing the size of the photos I upload even if the image is within the 700px preview size. For example, here is a screenshot of an image's size in PS: <img src="http://www3.telus.net/picbin/PS_size.JPG" alt="" width="423" height="143" /><br>

and here is a screener of that same image once it has been uploaded to Photo.net: <img src="http://www3.telus.net/picbin/Pnet_size.JPG" alt="" width="414" height="199" /><br>

I know it is not my browser interpreting the pixel dimensions differently, so it must be something on P.net's end. The size difference seems to be a consitent 12px in both dimensions. Any thoughts?</p>

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