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request for pics for a music video project -- for fun

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Our band is putting together a festive/reflective end-of-the-year piece of music to share with our friends, we want to

make a video to go with it. We want to use a collage of pictures (This is where you come in!): YOUR pictures. This is

a totally-for-fun-and-no-profit project, we just want to collaborate (with you) on a festive end-of-year-gee-golly-the-days-

can't-get-longer-fast-enough feel good video, comprised of images set to music.


Just reply back with a picture (or pictures) that you want us to use. (Or email, address at bottom.)


You can hear a rough mix of the music we're going to use as the soundtrack, working title "end-of-year wassail", at:




If the music inspires you to submit a picture or two (or three!), please do. You don't even need to listen, just consider

the very broad theme of end-of-year festive celebration. What does that mean to you? Snow? cookies? Candles?

Canvas tarps? (!?!?) Well, whatever, we want your image and we want your permission to put it into this music/image



Here's the incentive to ACT NOW. Every submitter gets her/his name in the credits, of course! The credits will be

listed in order of submission. The sooner you submiss (um, that means send us a link to a pic you want us to use),

the higher up in the credits is where your name will be. (Quick, hit reply!)


Have we ever done this before (collaborate with a bunch of people on a project over the inet)? No. Does it sound like

fun? Yes. Will it turn out to be a lot more work than we bargained for? Probably.


Will we use your picture? You bet! We want at least a hundred, but we have potential room for (3:30 minutes runtime

x 24 fps =) 5,040 pictures! Our guiding criterion: We would much rather find a place for your picture than come up

with some lame excuse to not use your picture. The more pictures the better. Tell your friends. Tell them to tell their

friends. Tell their friends to tell their friends to...well, you get the idea.


We'll post the finished project in some public place (like youtube or flickr) where you can have all your friends (and

enemies, why not?) gaze at this massive collaborative effort. We'll make available to all collaborators (hopefully, that

includes you) a high quality version of the video for download. Let's set Dec 15th as the cut-off date for submissions,

at which point our video editor person jumps into high gear (or out of a window if we actually hand over 5040 images!).


Hope to post the finished product on the winter SOLSTICE! (Way too cool, huh?)


This is going to be fun, but MORE fun if you join us and send us your pics for inclusion in our end-of-the-year music/

image video! Feel free to contact me with any questions as well.


Best wishes

Mark Adamczyk


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