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Milky areas on film after 10 mins fixing

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Hello - I seem to have a consistent problem when developing my own films. The negs have a milky white area,

generally in the middle of the frame. I was told this is due to under fixing. I have tried fixing for as long as 12 mins for

Delta films and still the same problem. I dont want to over fix my negs as Ive read this is also not good.


Last night a developed a Panf+ roll, with Rodinal Special 1+60, 20C, 6.5mins. Ilfostop 10 senconds, Ilford fix 6 mins

and rinsed for 10. The negs still look purple which happens to all my negs, regarless of wheather they're Pan or

Delta - is that a charecteristic of the film? From memory, when Ive sent off my b&w to the labs, they come back

clear without the purple tint. Im more concerned about the milky areas though. They still scan quite well, and the

images look good, but Id like to find an answer and solution, can you help.


Thank you in advance.


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From what I've seen working with students here at work, it sounds like what you are describing is film that didn't load properly and was touching. This prevented the emulsion in the affected area from getting fully fixed, which caused some areas to have a milky appearance while the rest of the film looks normal. You should re-fix the film to make sure that it gets fully fixed, then wash and dry as usual. The slight purple base color is normal with Ilford films - it is not harmful.


- Randy

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What Dennis, Paul and Randall said. It can't be a problem with the fixer or the entire roll would show problems. The film was touching in places, preventing flow of chemistry between the layers. Practice your loading technique with a scrap roll until it's second nature.


There's an entire section in this forum dedicated to the tinted negatives issue. You'll find plenty of info and tips there:



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