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"New Answers" - Does it still work?

Mary Doo

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Yes, it works. It shows the threads that have had responses since the end of your previous visit. "End of your previous visit" is a bit of a complicated concept, and most people don't really know when their visits are deemed to have ended and a new one started. Logging out and logging in starts a new visit, but the code also ends a visit and starts a new one under other circumstances. Basically, a visit continues as the "same visit" as long as you continue accessing the site over a period of time without any long interruptions. However, there is also a maximum length for a visit, and at some point, the code will just start a new visit. When this happens it will basically be surprising: "New Answers" will go from showing a lot of threads, to saying "there are no new answers". This is because your last visit just ended and a new one started, and there haven't been any new answers in that short time. P.S. I like that little shadow effect on your red circle above; I guess you were a bit bored.
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Brian, actually I have NEVER seen anything other than "There are no new_answers threads" within the last month or so, whether I logged on or off or turned the computer off...! I think something must have changed because, prior to this, I did not have to do anything to see the Unread messages. Anyhow, maybe trying to log off PhotoNet every time after accessing may work? I will test this out next.


That shadow, by the way, is a default from the SnagIt screen print setting. No, I did not tweak anything! :)




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"When you log out and log back in, you start a new visit and end your previous visit. So, there won't be any "new" answers."


Hi Brian, what I meant to communicate is that it does NOT work either way, whether I kept logged on (as I always did) or logged off and log back on later! :)


This is a puzzle because it used to work before.



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Would anyone else like to see a "New Answers" option based on a specific date, last 24 hours, or last week?


I still feel an option to sort on last answer instead of time of first entry would allow old threads of value to survive. Please consider how such an enhancement would increase value of photo.net site visits for all who come searching for better answers.


While phpBB has several faults, a default sort by last response is a great feature.

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